Mamdooh Alsaleh
Bahrain Mamdooh Alsaleh MFIAP作者

Mamdooh Alsaleh

Bahraini in love with Photography, it is an obsession sincechildhood which I used to spend my savings on cameras and processing. Agraduate of Travel and Tourism.  Another side of my career was in theatre,where I found myself in learning more about fine art, as well as working in T.Vproduction and photography.  In 2002, I established my own photographystudio, specialized in weddings and portraits. Working in this field gives methe pleasure of transferring travel photography, and people’s life andinterests to the others, I have treasured photos during my trips around theworld which I hope to share their stories worldwide.

If you feel about yourself you must feel about others thisis the way I capture the life photography.

Proud to be member in FIAP.

Mamdooh Alsaleh
