Roger Jourdain
France Roger Jourdain MFIAP作者

Roger Jourdain

Over a 40 yearperiod, I held various positions of responsibility in a large Pharmaceuticalgroup, which included business photography. 

Now, I am 70 years old, retired and passionate about photography (specially wildlife) asa hobby.

·     Member of the Photographic Federation of France since1992.
·     Member of the Global Photographic Union (ex UPI) since2008.
·      Image Without Frontier (ISF), Vice-President of this European movement of amateur photographers, between 2002 and 2007.

Card atlife FIAP. 
I never askfor honor. I have just "Hon. FIP" that I received recently in India,by its President, without my own demand.

For me, myhonor is to work for photography, simply and without cheating!
I have been a photographer for over fourty years, anda competitor in international competitions for over twenty years Judge in international contestsof photography in USA, Belgium, Serbia, Greece, India and, of course,France! One hundred times Best Author(blue badge FIAP) in 12 different countries with 1825 international awardsFIAP, PSA, GPU, ICS, IUP, ISF, etc.. totaling more than 870 medals andtrophies.

I add thatI am a grandpa six times and that my grandchildren say their grandpa is alwaysinvolved with his photographs:

For furtherinformation please see my webpage:
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Roger Jourdain
