FIAP 双年展

2012 年第 16 届 FIAP 自然双年展,挪威

主办国: 挪威
年份: 2012
黄蜂,塔克·梁,澳大利亚 Wasp, Tuck Leong, Australia

挪威摄影学会(NSFF)举办了第16届国际摄影师联合会自然双年展。挪威摄影学会上一次举办国际摄影艺术联合会双年展是在1966年。第九届国际摄影师联合会大会于当年在挪威举行,按照传统,我们还举办了第九届国际摄影师联合会黑白双年展。1966 年还举办了第一届 FIAP 青年版画双年展。

今年是挪威国家艺术基金会成立 85 周年,第 16 届自然双年展是这一特殊年份的众多活动之一。

至于第 16 届自然双年展,所有实际工作都由博多摄影俱乐部负责,委员会的组织工作绝对值得称赞: 汉斯·伯克伦德(Hans Birkelund)、奥拉夫-因格·阿尔弗海姆(Olav-Inge Alfheim)、比昂·哈格鲁普森(Bjørn Hagerupsen)、肯特·埃文·格伦斯塔德(Kent Even Grundstad)、艾文德·尼尔森(Eivind Nilsen)、盖尔-阿尔内·约根森(Geir-Arne Jørgensen)和厄温德·汉森(Øyvind Hansen)功不可没。评审团由国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)副主席杰克·马丁(Jacky Martin)、FIAP董事会成员兼FIAP双年展负责人伊奥尼斯·利库里斯(Ioannis Lykouris)和挪威摄影师恩斯特·福鲁哈特(Ernst Furuhatt)组成。

来自全世界 27 个国家的作者参加了本届双年展,展出了近 800 幅作品。在印刷类作品中,作者来自 24 个国家,在投影图像类作品中,作者来自 25 个国家。获奖者拍摄的照片在四月份的北欧之光国际摄影节期间在博德和克里斯蒂安松展出。祝贺所有获奖者,特别是来自意大利的作者,他们获得了两个组别的奖项。

The Norwegian Photographic Society (NSFF),organized the 16th FIAP Nature Biennial. The last time NSFF hosted a FIAP biennial was in 1966. The 9th FIAP Congress was held in Norway that year and, following tradition, we also organized the 9th FIAP Black and White Biennial. 1966 was also the year of the very first FIAP Youth Print Biennial.

NSFF celebrates its 85th anniversary this year, and the 16th Nature Biennial has been one of many activities during this special year.

As for the 16th Nature Biennial, all the practicalities were taken care of by Bodø Fotoklubb, and the committee definitely deserve credit for their organizing efforts: A big thank you goes to Hans Birkelund, Olav-Inge Alfheim, Bjørn Hagerupsen, Kent Even Grundstad, Eivind Nilsen, Geir-Arne Jørgensen and Øyvind Hansen. The jury consisted of Jacky Martin, vice president of FIAP, Ioannis Lykouris, FIAP board member and in charge of the FIAP biennials, and the Norwegian photographer Ernst Furuhatt.

Authors from 27 countries from all over the world took part in this biennial, and nearly 800 pictures were exhibited. In the print category, there were authors from 24 countries, and the projected images category saw authors from 25 countries. The photos taken by the medallists were on display in Bodø as well as in Kristiansund during the Nordic Light International Photo Festival in April. Congratulations to everyone and in particular to the authors from Italy, who won both categories.

2012 年第 16 届 FIAP 自然双年展,挪威 获胜者
国家投影组获奖者 Winner Country Projected Section: 意大利, 动物和食物 Italy, Animals and food
国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 意大利, 鸟类对抗鸟类 Italy, Birds against Birds
杰克·马丁,MFIAP(法国);伊奥尼斯·莱库里斯,EFIAP,ESFIAP(希腊);恩斯特·福鲁哈特(挪威) Jacky Martin, MFIAP (France); Ioannis Lykouris, EFIAP, ESFIAP (Greece); Ernst Furuhatt (Norway)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Author Country Title
FIAP Gold Medal Maurizio Bonora Italy The five hunters
FIAP Silver Medal Dinh quoc van Nguyen Viet Nam The Sea & Rocks 30
FIAP Silver Medal Soren Skov Denmark Dansehveps
FIAP Bronze Medal Damir Rajle Croatia MELTING FOREST
FIAP Bronze Medal Ricardo Martiniuk Argentina Juego y Lucha 2
FIAP Bronze Medal Bogdan Boev Bulgaria European Bee-Eater
NSFF Gold medal best bird Ilka Niskanen Finland Double
NSFF Gold medal best macro Giuseppe Bonali Italy Bollicine
NSFF Gold medal best Landscape Widar Olsen Norway Sjospoyt
NSFF Gold medal best Mammal Michael Cruise Scotland Red Squirrels
NSFF Gold medal best Flower Eddy Marissen Netherlands Tropaeolum Majus 2