FIAP 双年展

2018 年第 19 届 FIAP 自然双年展,阿曼

主办国: 阿曼
年份: 2018
阿克顿,伊斯梅尔·阿尔法尔西,阿曼 In acton, Ismail Alfarsi, Oman

艺术与自然 自然摄影的基本原理。自然景观、动物和植物最美的一面被摄影师捕捉到的机会无穷无尽。FIAP 自然双年展就是最好的例证之一。这里刊登的图片本身就说明了这一点。

我们要感谢阿曼摄影学会致力于组织这次双年展,感谢评审团完成了评估图片的艰巨任务,感谢所有提交作品的联合会。本届自然双年展是 20 多年来参与人数最多的一届。35 个国家参加了这次活动。我们特别要提到世界杯的获奖者:纸质版块的意大利和数字版块的俄罗斯联邦,前者的鸟类作品令人叹为观止,后者的风景作品令人难以置信。俄罗斯联邦获得了 2008 年大自然奖 “奥黛特-布赖茨彻奖杯”,该奖项奖励在两个部分中表现最佳的选手。祝贺他们!

Art and Nature The fundamentals of Nature photography. The beauty of natural landscapes, fauna and flora in their most aesthetic aspects are captured by photographers in endless opportunities. The FIAP Nature Biennial is one of the best examples of this. The images published here speak for themselves.

We want to thank the Photographic Society of Oman for the commitment to organize this Biennial, the jury in its difficult task of evaluating the images and all the federations that have sent their works. This edition of the Nature Biennial has had the largest participation in more than 20 years. 35 countries have taken part in this event. We especially want to mention the winners of the World Cups: Italy in the paper section with a formidable collection of birds and the Russian Federation in the digital section with an incredible collection of landscapes. The Russian Federation has been awarded the 2008 Great Prize of Nature "Trophy Odette Bretscher" that awards the best performance in both sections. Congratulations to all of them!

2018 年第 19 届 FIAP 自然双年展,阿曼 获胜者
国家投影组获奖者 Winner Country Projected Section: 俄罗斯联邦, 世界景观 Russia Federation, Landscapes of the World
国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 意大利, 鸟类对抗鸟类 Italy, Birds against Birds
罗曼·尼罗, HonEFIAP, EFIAPg, (卢森堡); 穆罕默德·坎德里 (科威特); 阿卜杜拉·马吉德 (巴林) Romain Nero, HonEFIAP, EFIAPg, (Luxembourg); Mohammed Al Kandri (Kuwait); Abdullah Al Majid (Bahrain)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Italy 10 10 87 54 141
FIAP Gold Russian Federation 10 10 86 52 138
FIAP Silver India 10 10 88 48 136
FIAP Bronze Turkey 10 10 80 50 130
Honourable mention Scotland 10 10 77 52 129
Honourable mention Argentina 10 10 77 52 129
Honourable mention Luxembourg 10 10 72 49 121
Honourable mention Saudi Arabia 10 10 70 49 119
Honourable mention France 10 10 75 42 117
Honourable mention South Africa 10 10 75 41 116
/ Oman 10 10 68 46 114
/ Ireland 10 10 61 48 109
/ Spain 10 10 61 46 107
/ Belgium 10 10 63 43 106
/ San Marino 10 10 65 40 105
/ Finland 10 10 56 47 103
/ Croatia 10 10 57 43 100
/ Norway 10 10 51 46 97
/ Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 10 57 39 96
/ Slovenia 10 10 58 35 93
/ Dominican Republic 10 10 60 35 95
/ Sweden 10 10 38 40 78
/ Chile 10 10 31 38 69
/ Greece 10 10 31 35 66
/ Denmark 10 10 35 31 66
/ Hong Kong 10 10 29 32 61
/ Myanmar 10 10 44 16 60
/ Japan 10 10 34 20 54