FIAP 双年展

2020 年第 20 届 FIAP 自然双年展,俄罗斯

主办国: 俄罗斯联邦
年份: 2020
大冠鸊鷉 - 毛罗·罗西 - 意大利 毛罗-罗西 Great crested grebe - Mauro Rossi - Italy


33 个国家参加了由俄罗斯联邦车里雅宾斯克欧亚摄影师联盟组织的第 20 届 FIAP 自然双年展。特别感谢组织者,因为在这特殊的一年里,世界正遭受 Covid-19 大流行病的侵袭,他们必须适应这些特殊情况。审判无法按计划在车里雅宾斯克市举行。相反,评奖工作在网上进行,这使得传统的纸质部分也可以通过数字图像进行评奖。评审团的工作也非常出色,他们在收到如此优秀的图片后决定了奖项的分配。我们向所有参赛的联合会表示祝贺,尤其是意大利、英国、南非和俄罗斯联邦的代表,他们在两个竞赛单元中分别获得了前四名。最后,意大利赢得了 2020 年 “奥黛特-布雷舍尔 ”大奖赛奖杯。

Nature photographers have a special sensitivity that allows us to understand all aspects of nature, its flora, fauna and landscapes. By appreciating the natural world around us, we have the opportunity to take care of it and save it for future generations.

33 countries have participated in this 20th edition of the FIAP Nature Biennial organized by the Union of Eurasian Photographers of Chelyabinsk in the Russian Federation. A special recognition to the organizers because in this special year in which the world is suffering the Covid-19 pandemic they had to adapt to these special circumstances. The judgment could not be held as planned in the city of Chelyabinsk. Instead it has been done online, which made the traditional paper section to be judged with its digital images. Great work also of the jury that had to decide the allocation of the prizes within such excellent images received. We congratulate all the participating federations and especially the representatives of Italy, Great Britain, South Africa and the Russian Federation who have achieved the first four places in the two sections. Finally, Italy has won the Grand Prix Trophy "Odette Bretscher" 2020.

2020 年第 20 届 FIAP 自然双年展,俄罗斯 获胜者
国家数码组获奖者 Winner Country Digital Section: 意大利, 捕食鸟类 Italy, Birds with prey
国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 意大利, 鸟类之间的搏斗 Italy, Fight between birds
赫伯特·格米纳,MFIAP,HonEFIAP(奥地利 -FIAP BD);安东·萨沃夫,ESFIAP(保加利亚);瓦夏·多贝莱特,MFIAP,EFIAP/p,ESFIAP(斯洛文尼亚) Herbert Gmeiner, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Austria -FIAP BD); Anton Savov, ESFIAP (Bulgaria); Vasja Doberlet, MFIAP, EFIAP/p, ESFIAP (Slovenia)

Individual awards - Digital Section - Individual Awards

获胜者: Face To Face, Dmitry Arkhipov, Russian Federation

Individual awards - Print Section - Individual Awards

获胜者: Frosty Morning , Tom Ormond,Ireland