FIAP 双年展

2013 年第 25 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,阿根廷

主办国: 阿根廷
年份: 2013
缺席,弗朗西斯科-塞坦布里诺,阿根廷 Las ausencias, Francisco Settembrino, Argentina

谈论 FIAP 双年展很容易,但同时也很困难。说它容易,是因为在 FIAP 这个大家庭中,每个人都应该知道,这些旨在让所有成员国之间进行比较的活动,对于传播其摄影文化、了解其作者、用事实而不是语言来证明、积极参与我们联合会的生活是非常重要的。这很困难,因为尽管我们做出了种种努力,但在许多情况下,这些活动的参与度仍然远远低于合理的预期。

然而,阿根廷摄影家协会(Federacion Argentina de Fotografia *FFA*)出色地组织了第 25 届彩色版画双年展等活动,使我们对美好的未来充满希望。比赛结果清楚地表明,前几名的竞争非常激烈,事实上,我们很少看到前 7 个国家仅以 9 分之差获得前几名,这也是包括 29 个参赛国在内的高质量图像的证明。

这是对世界杯东道主获奖者的褒奖,如果需要证明的话,阿根廷摄影学校仍然是国际摄影界最重要的学校之一。第一位获得 “FIAP 最佳奖 ”的作者是阿根廷人,紧随其后的是另一位阿根廷同胞,这绝非巧合。


Talk about a FIAP Biennale is easy but at the same time difficult. Easy because in the great family FIAP everyone should know that these events, created to allow comparison between all member countries, are important to spread their photographic culture, to know their authors, prove with facts rather than words, to take active part in the life of our Federation. Difficult, because despite all the efforts made the participation in these events is in many cases still far below the logical expectations.

However, such events as the 25th Biennial for Color Prints, organized in an exemplary manner by the Federacion Argentina de Fotografia *FAF*, make us hope for a better future. The results clearly demonstrate that there was a great competition for the top places, rarely in fact we saw the first 7 countries in just 9 points, testimony of great quality images which also included the 29 participating countries.

A tribute to the hosts own merit winners of the World Cup, which have shown, if any proof was needed, the Argentine photographic school still remains one of the most important in the vast panorama of international photography. It is no coincidence that the first author awarded the title of "Best of the Best FIAP" was just an Argentine followed on the list by another compatriot.

A final thank to all the authors who with great spirit of belonging put their photos available to their Federations making possible the realization of this wonderful competition.

2013 年第 25 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,阿根廷 获胜者
国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 阿根廷,肖像集 Argentina, Retrato ambientado
个人印刷组获奖者 Winner Individual Print Section: 路易斯·弗兰克,阿根廷 Luis Franke, Argentina
琼·布尔格斯·马蒂塞拉,AFIAP(安道尔 - FIAP 法官);维克多·卡法雷纳(智利);何塞·路易斯·乌尔贝特尔, EFIAP/b,(阿根廷) Joan Burgués Martisella, AFIAP (Andorra -FIAP Judge); Victor Caffarena, (Chile); Jose Luis Urbaitel, EFIAP/b, (Argentina)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Author Country Title
FIAP Gold Medal Luis Franke Argentina Eulogio
FIAP Silver Medal Omero Tinagli Italy Foggy morning
FIAP Silver Medal Cristina Serra Arias Spain Bodegó 3
FIAP Bronze Medal Ivo Anderson Brazil Ficha no caixa
FIAP Bronze Medal Ute Kraemer Germany Library
FIAP Bronze Medal Anthony McDonell Ireland A bright new day
Best Portrait Walter Nicoliello Argentina Pulperia San Octavio
Best Environmental Portrait Vladimir Dyadkov Russian Federation Together
Best Creative Image Julian Negrero Spain El tiempo es oro
Best Urban Landscape Ricardo Poladian Brazil Pedestres