31 个国家和 620 件不同作者的作品证明了全民信息计划的普遍性,同时也证明了双年展对各国联合会的重要性。在当前的国际竞赛框架内,尤其是在数字形式的竞赛中,数量往往比质量更重要。
Once more, Belgium organized successfully a FIAP Biennial. Once more, a FIAP Biennial was organized successfully under the direction of our tireless Honorary Vice President; it must be the ninth!
31 countries and 620 works of different authors certify the universality of the FIAP and, at the same time, the importance of the Biennials to the national federations. In the current framework of international competitions, especially in digital form, often the quantity prevails over the quality.
In this context, it is necessary to note that the FIAP Biennials, through the limited number of entries by author and by countries and the requirement of coherence on each national collection, are able to maintain the very high level of photographic production. Evidence is the works submitted to this Projected Images Biennial. Congratulations to Italy for its victory as well to the Centrum voorBeeldexpressie and the Federation of Belgian Photographers, both for the second place of the Belgium but also and especially for the excellent organization of this Biennial.
Prize | Country | Works | Authors | Points | Coherence points | Total points |
World Cup | Italy | 20 | 14 | 212 | 50 | 262 |
FIAP Gold | Belgium | 20 | / | 215 | 46 | 261 |
FIAP Silver | United Kingdom | 20 | / | 212 | 48 | 260 |
FIAP Bronze | Malta | 20 | / | 212 | 46 | 258 |
Honourable mention | Finland | 20 | / | 210 | 44 | 254 |
Honourable mention | Germany | 20 | / | 205 | 42 | 247 |
Honourable mention | Spain | 20 | / | 201 | 46 | 247 |
Honourable mention | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 20 | / | 206 | 40 | 246 |
Honourable mention | Ireland | 20 | / | 204 | 40 | 244 |
Honourable mention | Austria | 20 | / | 201 | 42 | 243 |
Honourable mention | Scotland | 20 | / | 203 | 40 | 243 |
Honourable mention | Wales | 20 | / | 207 | 36 | 243 |
Honourable mention | Netherlands | 20 | / | 203 | 40 | 243 |
/ | Indonesia | 20 | / | 203 | 38 | 241 |
/ | Switzerland | 20 | / | 198 | 42 | 240 |
/ | France | 20 | / | 195 | 44 | 239 |
/ | Sweden | 20 | / | 200 | 38 | 238 |
/ | New Zealand | 20 | / | 199 | 38 | 237 |
/ | Australia | 20 | / | 202 | 34 | 236 |
/ | Slovenia | 20 | / | 202 | 34 | 236 |
/ | Croatia | 20 | / | 193 | 42 | 235 |
/ | Chile | 20 | / | 188 | 46 | 234 |
/ | Luxembourg | 20 | / | 193 | 40 | 233 |
/ | Cyprus | 20 | / | 191 | 40 | 231 |
/ | Iran, Islamic Republic Of | 20 | / | 191 | 38 | 229 |
/ | North Macedonia | 20 | / | 191 | 38 | 229 |
/ | Turkey | 20 | / | 187 | 38 | 225 |
/ | Norway | 20 | / | 185 | 38 | 223 |
/ | Denmark | 20 | / | 183 | 36 | 219 |
/ | Greece | 20 | / | 178 | 36 | 214 |
/ | Colombia | 20 | / | 170 | 34 | 204 |