FIAP 双年展

2011 年第 26 届 FIAP 投影图像双年展,比利时

主办国: 比利时
年份: 2011
女工,西尔瓦诺·蒙奇,意大利 Female labour, Silvano Monchi, Italy


31 个国家和 620 件不同作者的作品证明了全民信息计划的普遍性,同时也证明了双年展对各国联合会的重要性。在当前的国际竞赛框架内,尤其是在数字形式的竞赛中,数量往往比质量更重要。


Once more, Belgium organized successfully a FIAP Biennial. Once more, a FIAP Biennial was organized successfully under the direction of our tireless Honorary Vice President; it must be the ninth!

31 countries and 620 works of different authors certify the universality of the FIAP and, at the same time, the importance of the Biennials to the national federations. In the current framework of international competitions, especially in digital form, often the quantity prevails over the quality.

In this context, it is necessary to note that the FIAP Biennials, through the limited number of entries by author and by countries and the requirement of coherence on each national collection, are able to maintain the very high level of photographic production. Evidence is the works submitted to this Projected Images Biennial. Congratulations to Italy for its victory as well to the Centrum voorBeeldexpressie and the Federation of Belgian Photographers, both for the second place of the Belgium but also and especially for the excellent organization of this Biennial.

2011 年第 26 届 FIAP 投影图像双年展,比利时 获胜者
国家投影组获奖者 Winner Country Projected Section: 意大利, 工作中的男人 Italy, Men at work
个人投影组获奖者 Winner Individual Projected Section: 蒂莫·劳姆·赫蒂宁,小艺术家,芬兰 Timo Lä htinen, Little artist, Finland
埃米尔·万德沙伊德, HonEFIAP, EFIAP (卢森堡); 西奥·范·德·海特 (荷兰); 约瑟夫·施雷尔 (比利时) Emile Wanderscheid, HonEFIAP, EFIAP (Luxembourg); Theo Van de Heijt (Netherlands); Joseph Schreuer (Belgium)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Italy 20 14 212 50 262
FIAP Gold Belgium 20 / 215 46 261
FIAP Silver United Kingdom 20 / 212 48 260
FIAP Bronze Malta 20 / 212 46 258
Honourable mention Finland 20 / 210 44 254
Honourable mention Germany 20 / 205 42 247
Honourable mention Spain 20 / 201 46 247
Honourable mention Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 / 206 40 246
Honourable mention Ireland 20 / 204 40 244
Honourable mention Austria 20 / 201 42 243
Honourable mention Scotland 20 / 203 40 243
Honourable mention Wales 20 / 207 36 243
Honourable mention Netherlands 20 / 203 40 243
/ Indonesia 20 / 203 38 241
/ Switzerland 20 / 198 42 240
/ France 20 / 195 44 239
/ Sweden 20 / 200 38 238
/ New Zealand 20 / 199 38 237
/ Australia 20 / 202 34 236
/ Slovenia 20 / 202 34 236
/ Croatia 20 / 193 42 235
/ Chile 20 / 188 46 234
/ Luxembourg 20 / 193 40 233
/ Cyprus 20 / 191 40 231
/ Iran, Islamic Republic Of 20 / 191 38 229
/ North Macedonia 20 / 191 38 229
/ Turkey 20 / 187 38 225
/ Norway 20 / 185 38 223
/ Denmark 20 / 183 36 219
/ Greece 20 / 178 36 214
/ Colombia 20 / 170 34 204