FIAP 双年展

2017 年第 27 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,挪威

主办国: 挪威
年份: 2017
骑马的女士,德米特里·别利亚耶夫 Lady with a horse, Dmitriy Belyaev

我非常高兴地向大家介绍由挪威摄影学会和贝卡洛凯特摄影俱乐部(Bekkalokket Photoclub)主办的2017年第27届FIAP彩色双年展。这是前两届FIAP双年展(彩色印刷双年展和投影图像双年展)首次合并为一届FIAP彩色双年展。当然,主办这次彩色双年展的任务也比只主办以前的一个双年展更加全面,FIAP 非常赞赏组织者应对这一挑战的干练方式。这本画册展示了双年展的摄影成果,向所有参展的国家组织、摄影师及其艺术作品致敬。不仅可以看到许多照片的高质量,而且由于所有照片都以缩略图的形式显示,现在还可以对照片集的一致性进行评估。FIAP向所有双年展参与者、国家竞赛获奖者以及所有单项奖获奖者表示祝贺。

It is with great pleasure that I introduce this 27th FIAP Colour Biennial 2017, hosted by the Norwegian Photographic Society and Bekkalokket Photoclub. It is the first time, that the two former FIAP Biennials, The Colour Print Biennial and the Projected Image Biennial, has merged to one FIAP Colour Biennial. The consequence is of course also, that the task of hosting this Colour Biennial has been more comprehensive than just hosting one of the former biennials, and FIAP appreciate very much, the competent way the organizers managed this challenge. This catalogue shows the photographic result of the biennial, paying tribute to all participating national organisations, their photographers and their artistic work. Not only is the high quality of many photos visible - for the first time, as all photos are shown as thumbnails, it is now possible to evaluate the coherence of the collections. FIAP congratulates all biennial participants, the winners of the national competition as well as the winners of all the individual prizes.

2017 年第 27 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,挪威 获胜者
国家投影组获奖者 Winner Country Projected Section: 俄罗斯,再论女性之美 Russia, Once again on the female beauty
国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 意大利,残疾人融入社会的手段 Italy, A means of integration disabled
戈兰·泽比尔,EFIAP,ESFIAP(瑞典);弗雷迪·范·吉尔伯根,EFIAP/b,HonEFIAP(比利时,FIAP 评审);比亚纳·希尔德加德,EFIAP/g(丹麦) Göran Zebühr, EFIAP, ESFIAP (Sweden); Freddy Van Gilbergen, EFIAP/b, HonEFIAP (Belgium, FIAP Judge); Bjarne Hyldgaard, EFIAP/g (Denmark)

Individual awards - Projected images Individual

获胜者: Øystein Nordås - Ski chasing

Individual awards - Print images Individiual

获胜者: Dinah Jayes - Dancing into the light