FIAP 双年展

2019 年第 28 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,西班牙

主办国: 西班牙
年份: 2019
沙万,玛利亚·格拉西亚·德拉霍兹·罗克,西班牙 Chaouen, María Gracia de la Hoz Roch, Spain

西班牙有幸组织并主办了 2019 年第 28 届国际彩联色彩双年展,共有 45 个国家参加,我们对此深表感谢。这是参加 FIAP 彩色双年展人数最多的一次。

当今世界是一个以图像为基础的世界,而摄影则是图像的最佳表现形式之一。在 FIAP 这个大家庭中,每个人都应该知道,这些活动是不同国家的作品汇聚一堂的地方,可以让其成员之间进行比较,促进其摄影文化,并让其作者为人所知。来自五大洲的联合会都获得了奖项,这表明摄影语言仍然是通用的,而国际摄影艺术联合会则将它们汇聚到了一个伟大的国际活动中。



Spain has had the honour of organizing and hosting the 28th FIAP Color Biennial 2019, in which a total of 45 countries have participated, for which we are very grateful. The greatest participation in a FIAP Colour Biennial has been achieved.

Today's world is a world based on images and photography is one of its best expressions. In the great FIAP family everyone should know that these events are the place where works from different countries meet and allow a comparison between their members, promote their photographic culture and make their authors known. Federations from the five continents have been awarded demonstrating that the language of photography is still universal and the FIAP has joined them all in one great international event.

The participating federations have had the responsibility of preparing their collections by coordinating their teams as much as possible in order to achieve the best result according to the chosen theme. We must thank all the authors who, with a great sense of belonging, once again put their images at the disposal of their federations and made possible the realization of this wonderful competition. In this way, in the paper section, Spain for the first time has obtained the World Cup in a very competitive classification in the first positions. And in the digital section, the Russian Federation has once again reaffirmed the great work of recent years and has won another World Cup.

Many thanks to all who made this great event possible.

2019 年第 28 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,西班牙 获胜者
国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 西班牙,城市景观,沙万 Spain, Paisaje urbano, Chaouen
国家数码组获奖者 Winner Country Digital Section: 俄罗斯联邦, 儿童与动物 Russian Federation, Children and animals
路易斯·弗朗克,MFIAP,EFIAP/d2,EsFIAP,(阿根廷 -FIAP 裁判);佩珀·巴斯克斯,HonFIAP(安道尔);让·萨勒耶斯,AFIAP,EsFIAP(法国) Luis Franke, MFIAP, EFIAP/d2, EsFIAP, (Argentina -FIAP Judge); Pepo Vázquez, HonFIAP (Andorra); Jean Saleilles, AFIAP, EsFIAP (France)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Russian Federation 20 11 238 57 295
FIAP Gold Spain 20 13 201 53 254
FIAP Silver Belgium 20 15 204 42 246
FIAP Bronze Ireland 20 17 206 39 245
FIAP Honourable mention Viet Nam 20 18 203 37 240
FIAP Honourable mention Argentina 20 17 190 47 237
FIAP Honourable mention South Africa 20 13 187 49 236
FIAP Honourable mention France 20 19 198 37 235
FIAP Honourable mention Australia 20 13 190 44 234
FIAP Honourable mention Italy 20 16 195 38 233
/ Indonesia 20 18 191 39 230
/ Oman 20 16 188 42 230
/ Myanmar 20 17 192 37 229
/ Azerbaijan 20 20 187 39 226
/ Turkey 20 14 177 46 223
/ Sweden 20 15 173 45 218
/ Dominican Republic 20 15 177 38 215
/ Netherlands 20 16 180 33 213
/ Norway 20 12 173 40 213
/ Macao 20 12 169 40 209
/ Singapore 20 13 166 42 208
/ Cyprus 20 12 171 37 208
/ Bulgaria 20 14 163 45 208
/ Pakistan 20 13 170 36 206
/ Suriname 20 10 148 57 205
/ Serbia 20 16 169 33 202
/ Germany 20 16 162 39 201
/ Hong Kong 20 10 161 40 201
/ Colombia 20 14 182 18 200
/ Slovenia 20 13 168 31 199
/ Greece 20 15 162 37 199
/ North Macedonia 20 17 170 23 193
/ Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 17 167 25 192
/ Brazil 20 20 173 17 190
/ Croatia 20 15 173 17 190
/ New Zealand 20 19 149 38 187
/ Chile 20 12 153 30 183
/ Latvia 20 10 158 22 180
/ Mauritius 18 10 142 31 173
/ Japan 20 10 122 11 133