由于经济原因,西班牙未能举办 2012 年大会。然而,西班牙摄影联合会希望继续履行自己的承诺,并成功举办了第 31 届黑白摄影双年展,尽管遇到了资金和技术方面的困难。
爱尔兰以其优秀的摄影作品赢得了世界杯,英格兰和西班牙紧随其后。双年展再次证明了 FIAP 大家庭成员的高水平和浓厚兴趣。
lt is usual for a Black and White Biennial to be organized by the country that also organizes the FIAP Congress. Similarly, the opening of the exhibition following this biennial takes place during the Congress, so that the delegates can benefit during their stay in the host country.
This time, economic reasons have not allowed Spain to organize the Congress of the year 2012. However, the Spanish Confederation of Photography wanted to maintain it's commitments and was able to organize with success the 31st Biennial Black and White, despite the aroused financial and technical difficulties
In a digital environment, the black and white photo still maintains its artistic aspect among photographers. The evidence is the large number of countries that normally participate. We congratulate the organizers for their commitment, the countries' officials for their interest and the participating photographers for their artistic level.
Ireland with the excellent level of its collection won the World Cup, followed by England and Spain. Once again, a biennial has proved the high level and the great interest of the members of the FIAP family.