FIAP 双年展

2016 年第 33 届 FIAP 黑白双年展,韩国

主办国: 韩国
年份: 2016
湿透的跳线,鲍勃·吉恩,英国 Wet Jumper, Bob Given, United Kingdom

自 PASK 成为 FIAP 的业务成员以来,PASK 与 FIAP 合作,邀请 FIAP 的所有成员国参加由 PASK 组织的首次 FIAP 双年展。此次活动恰逢 PASK 及其 33,000 名会员成立 55 周年。与上届双年展相比,第 33 届黑白 FIAP 双年展取得了惊人的进步,参展国家数量增加了 26%,达到 48 个。本页展示了来自 48 个国家的众多优秀参赛作品集以及所有获奖照片。FIAP 向国家竞赛的获奖者以及所有单项奖的获奖者表示祝贺。FIAP 感谢这么多国家为这次重要的国际摄影活动做出的贡献。我们希望,今后我们的 FIAP 双年展也能受益于我们众多成员的更多关注。

In collaboration with FIAP, PASK invited all FIAP member countries toparticipate in this first FIAP biennial organized by PASK, since PASK became operational member of FIAP. This event coincides with the 55th anniversary of PASK and their 33,000 members. This time the 33rd B&W FIAP Biennial made a stunning progress compared to the last B&W Biennial, as the number of participating countries rose with 26% to 48 collections. This page shows a selection of the many excellent collections entered from 48 countries, as well as all prize winning photos. FIAP congratulates the winners of the national competition, as well as the winners of all the individual prizes. FIAP appreciates that, with their contribution, so many countries made this an important international photographic event. We hope that our FIAP Biennials in the future also can benefit from this increased attention among our many members.

2016 年第 33 届 FIAP 黑白双年展,韩国 获胜者
FIAP 世界杯印刷组冠军 Winner FIAP World Cup Print Section: 英国 United Kingdom
FIAP 印刷组金奖得主 Winner FIAP Gold Medal Print Section: 阿卜杜利亚·穆罕默德·奥斯曼,也门 Abduliah Mohammad Othman, Yemen
戴维·P·C·郑,MFIAP,HonEFIAP(新加坡);佐藤惠子,AFIAP,EsFIAP(日本);金日昌(韩国) David P C Tay, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Singapore); Keiko Sato, AFIAP, EsFIAP (Japan); Il-Chang Kim (Korea)

Individual awards - Individual awards

获胜者: Msugahuy Tradition, Abduliah Mohammad Othman, Yemen