我们不得不等待四年才能再次举办黑白双年展。上一次是 2018 年在南非举办的。随后,科维德-19 大流行病改变了我们的所有计划。幸运的是,我们可以说,今天我们已经走上了一条新的正常之路。
特别是出于这个原因,我很高兴能举办第 35 届国际摄影艺术联合会黑白双年展。人们对这类摄影作品的兴趣再次得到证实。它是我们艺术灵感和激情的源泉。举办国际摄影双年展对组织者来说是一项巨大的挑战。阿曼团队以高标准和负责任的态度完成了这项工作。来自五大洲的 46 个国家展示了自己的藏品,使其成为参加 FIAP 双年展人数最多的国家之一。我们感谢他们的参与,并鼓励他们继续在今后的双年展上展示自己的摄影作品。我们还要感谢评审团成员,他们必须对收到的大量摄影作品进行评审。
We had to wait four years to be able to organise the Black and White Biennial again. The last one was in 2018 in South Africa. Then the Covid-19 pandemic changed all our plans. Fortunately we can say that today we are on a new path to normality.
Particularly for this reason I am very pleased to present the 35thFIAP Black and White Biennial. The interest in this type of photography has once again been confirmed. It is the source of inspiration for our art and our passion.
Organising a FIAP Biennial is a great challenge for the organisers. The Oman team has done it with a high standard and responsibility.
46 countries from five continents have presented their collections, making it one of the largest participations in FIAP Biennials. We thank them for their participation and encourage them to continue to present their photographs in future Biennials. Also to the members of the jury who had to evaluate the large number of photographs received.
Prize | Author | Country | Title |
FIAP Gold Medal | John Sheridan | Ireland | Hound Master |
FIAP Silver Medal | Milena Erceg | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Hard life 2 |
FIAP Silver Medal | Heinz Beckers | Germany | Indoor Arnhem Centraal |
FIAP Bronze Medal | Harald Biebel | Germany | Regierungsviertel |
FIAP Bronze Medal | Eugenio Fieni | Italy | Nenet Life 21.13 |
FIAP Bronze Medal | Marcel van Balken | Netherlands | Eyeshape |
PSO Gold Medal | Panos Zoulakis | Greece | Ecstasy |
PSO Silver Medal | Trace O´Rourke | Australia | The Pulpit |
PSO Bronze Medal | Turlough O´Reilly | Ireland | Sparks Will Fly |
PSO HM | Jose Luis Urbaitel | Argentina | Mi corderito y yo |
PSO HM | Guy Gilson | Belgium | Col Blanc |