FIAP 双年展

2013 年第 35 届 FIAP 青年数字双年展,奥地利

主办国: 奥地利
年份: 2013
夜之恋 - 克诺夫尼娅-奥格涅 Night love - Crnobrnja Ognjen


尽管报名表的英文版出现了错误,并给组织者和评审团成员带来了不愉快的额外工作,但在各国负责代表的通力合作下,我们最终在 2013 年第 35 届全民信息计划青年双年展上取得了公平公正的结果。

借此机会,我要感谢联邦艺术与文化部的赞助、联合国教科文组织的赞助以及奥地利维也纳州政府在 “摄影与探险 ”摄影展上的颁奖活动。

此外,我还要感谢 VÖAV 团队和外国评委在维也纳为筹备和评审工作所做的出色工作。



FIAP 青年服务部主任

It is very pleasing to note the increase of the number of participating countries in this Youth-Biennial.

Despite an error in the English version of the entry form and the related unpleasant additional work for the organizer and the members of the jury, with the collaboration of the responsible representatives of the countries, at the end we reached a fair and equitable result in this 35th FIAP Youth-Biennial 2013.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Federal Ministry of Art & Culture for its patronage, UNESCO for its patronage and the VÖAV for the prize distribution at the photographic exhibition “Photo & Adventure”.

Thanks are also due to the VÖAV team and to the foreign judges for the collegial and excellent work for the preparation and the judging in Vienna.

I must express my gratitude also to the persons in charge of the participating count-ries and to their young people that with their works, ideas and creativity once again fully convinced and gave an important contribute to FIAP’s international family. My warmest thanks to the winners, but also to all other participants, for their wonderful collaboration and I hope to see them again in the next Youth-Biennial.

Kurt Batschinski

Director FIAP Youth Service

2013 年第 35 届 FIAP 青年数字双年展,奥地利 获胜者
第 I 组优胜者,16 岁,国家组 Winner Category I, 16 years, Country Section: 德国
第 II 组优胜者,21 岁,国家组 Winner Category II, 21 years, Country Section: 意大利
Batschinski Kurt, HonEFIAP, Wiesen Wolfgang, EFIAP/b, Vogt Rolf, HonÖGPh
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT