我很高兴代表 2014 年第 36 届国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)青年版画双年展的主办方德国摄影协会(DVF)欢迎来自 FIAP 成员国的所有参赛者,并祝贺所有获奖者取得成功。
我们非常荣幸能够接手组织这一重要的国际平面摄影协会青年竞赛,并在 9 月 16 日至 21 日在科隆举行的世界影像博览会(Photokina)上成功地向国际观众展示了这一赛事。来自 17 个 FIAP 国家的两个年龄组别的青年摄影师的作品都具有很高的水准,通过青年人的眼睛展示了对我们世界的不同看法。此外,FIAP 的一个重要目标是促进国际青年摄影,为青年人提供一个展示其作品的世界舞台。我衷心感谢所有参赛国的参赛作品和所有工作人员的努力。没有你们的支持和帮助,这项活动就不会取得成功。
On behalf of the German Photographic Association (DVF), organizer of the 36th FIAP Youth Print Biennial 2014, I am glad to welcome all participants from FIAP member countries who have participated in this competition and congratulate all award winners to their success.
It was a great honour for us to take over the organization of this important FIAP Youth Competition and we succeeded in presenting this event to an international audience at the world fair of imaging (Photokina) in Cologne from September 16th till 21st. The works of young photographers in two age categories from 17 FIAP countries are of a high standard and show different perceptions of our world through the eyes of young people. It should furthermore remain an important aim of FIAP to promote international youth photography and offer young people a worldwide stage to present their work. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all participating countries for their entries and to all members of staff for their efforts. Without your support and help this event would not have been successful.
Prize | Author | Country | Title |
FIAP Gold Medal | Johannes Schmitz | Germany | Jasemin |
FIAP Silver Medal | Anna-Sophie Wünsche | Germany | Motorradmädels |
FIAP Bronze Medal | Marios Vouryias | Cyprus | The writing |
DVF Gold Medal | Divanjana Nayanamali | Sri Lanka | Buda Pudata |
DVF Silver Medal | Sarah Moser | Austria | Different Lifestyle |
DVF Bronze Medal | Yousif Alshuaili | Oman | Horse racing |
Jury Prize K.B. | Julia Nero | Luxembourg | Korbflechter |