FIAP 双年展

2015 年第 37 届 FIAP 青年数字双年展,塞尔维亚

主办国: 塞尔维亚
年份: 2015
强力演出仍在继续 - 阿尔贝托·帕帕尼 - 意大利 The powerful play goes on - Alberto Papagni - Italy

2015 年 FIAP 青年摄影双年展的主办方在做了大量准备工作后,非常高兴地完成了本届双年展。评委们也凭借丰富的摄影经验圆满完成了重要工作。


The organizer of this years' FIAP Youth Biennial 2015 has completed it with great pleasure and important preparation. The jury has also completed its important job successfully, due to the big photographic experience of the judges.

I would like to thank all participants, organizers and jury members. The quality of the pictures was once more a proof of the excellent work of the young photographers of FIAP operational members. My congratulations to all participants, whether they were among the winners or not.

2015 年第 37 届 FIAP 青年数字双年展,塞尔维亚 获胜者
第 I 组获奖者,16 岁,国家组 Winner Category I, 16 years, Country Section: 奥地利 Austria
第 II 组获奖者,21 岁,国家组 Winner Category II, 21 years, Country Section: 意大利 Italy
库尔特·巴特钦斯基,HonEFIAP(奥地利);伊奥尼斯·莱库里斯,MFIAP,HonEFIAP(希腊);布拉尼斯拉夫·布尔基奇,MFIAP,EFIAP/s,ESFIAP;MF FSS(塞尔维亚) Kurt Batschinski, HonEFIAP (Austria); Ioannis Lykouris, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Greece); Branislav Brkic, MFIAP, EFIAP/s, ESFIAP; MF FSS (Serbia)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Austria 20 14 404 / 404
FIAP Gold Medal Oman 20 13 393 / 393
FIAP Silver Medal Germany 20 20 359 / 359
FIAP Silver Medal Serbia 20 15 359 / 359
FIAP Diploma Cyprus 20 14 348 / 348
FIAP Diploma Slovenia 20 14 348 / 348
FIAP Diploma Bulgaria 20 14 314 / 314
/ Slovakia 20 20 312 / 312
/ South Africa 19 11 306 / 306
/ Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 18 282 / 282
/ Turkey 17 13 239 / 239
/ Russian Federation 5 3 99 / 99
/ Egypt 2 2 39 / 39