FIAP 双年展

2018 年第 39 届青年双年展,保加利亚

主办国: 保加利亚
年份: 2018
织布工,尤努斯·阿勒帅利,阿曼 The weaver, Younus Al Shuaili, Oman

一些参赛者和来自世界杯冠军阿曼的优秀代表团对精彩的仪式和两个类别中提交的高质量图片的展示感到惊讶。有必要特别感谢评审团成员,他们在极短的时间内完美地利用了这一机会,认真地从青年摄影艺术的角度对图片进行了评判。祝贺所有参赛者和获奖者的出色摄影表现,我们希望下一届 2020 年第 40 届青年双年展有更多的参赛者。

The works and the perfectly organization at the 39th FIAP Youth Biennial 2018, was done of the Bulgarian Federation APS“YankaKyurkchieva“ inSofia.Some participants and the great delegation from the World Cup winners Oman, was surprise about the wonderful ceremonyand the presentation of the high quality of the submitted images in the both categories.Thanks to all organizer members fortheirexcellent insert and extensive works. It is necessaryalsoto expressthespecial thanks to the jury memberswhich used the opportunity in very quick time perfectlyin order tojudge the images conscientiously and in the sense of the youth photographic art. Congratulations to allparticipants and award winners for their outstanding photographic performances andwehope for more participants by the next jubilee 40th Youth Biennial 2020.

2018 年第 39 届青年双年展,保加利亚 获胜者
国家 I 类优胜者,16 岁组 Winner Country Category I, 16 years Section: 阿曼
国家 II 类优胜者,21 岁组 Winner Country Category II, 21 years Section: 阿曼
弗雷迪·范·吉尔伯根,MFIAP,EFIAP/g,HonEFIAP(比利时);拉萨·米洛杰维奇,EFIAP/b,EsFIAP,IFFSS(塞尔维亚);茨韦坦·加夫洛夫斯基,EFIAP,IFFSM(FYROM) Freddy Van Gilbergen, MFIAP, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP (Belgium); Rasa Milojevic, EFIAP/b, EsFIAP, MFFSS (Serbia); Cvetan Gavrovski, EFIAP, MFFSM (FYROM)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Oman 20 17 437 / 437
FIAP Gold Medal Norway 20 15 427 / 427
FIAP Silver Medal Bulgaria 20 17 413 / 413
FIAP Bronze Medal Cyprus 20 15 412 / 412
FIAP Diploma Serbia 20 16 410 / 410
FIAP Diploma Slovakia 20 18 407 / 407
FIAP Diploma Russian Federation 20 18 404 / 404
/ Germany 20 20 403 / 403
/ North Macedonia 20 15 403 / 403
/ Italy 20 12 399 / 399
/ Slovenia 20 20 394 / 394
/ Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 12 392 / 392
/ Czech Republic 20 13 392 / 392
/ Finland 20 11 358 / 358
/ Spain 20 10 354 / 354