我们比利时摄影家联合会(BFF/FBP)在其历史上已经举办过七届国际摄影艺术联合会成人双年展,但只有一届国际摄影艺术联合会青年双年展,因此现在是时候举办另一届国际摄影艺术联合会青年双年展了。第 40 届FIAP青年双年展原定在奥地利举行,但遗憾的是,由于科威德大流行病, 奥地利不得不取消这一安排。因此,双年展移师比利时,在那里,尽管时局非常艰难,双年展组织机构不断调整以适应适用的规则,第 40 届FIAP青年双年展在推迟一年后圆满结束。
不过,好在一切顺利。来自世界各地的不少于 21 个国家参加了两个组别的比赛(第一组 16 岁以下,第二组 21 岁以下)。从参赛者的年龄来看,他们的作品质量都很高。我们来自阿曼的摄影界朋友们在两个组别的比赛中都力压群雄,获得了世界杯的冠军。祝贺阿曼的参赛者。在单项奖方面,有来自不同国家的获奖者,在此也要向获奖者竖起大拇指。我要感谢所有参赛国和参赛者的报名,我们希望今后能在 FIAP 赞助的比赛中见到更多的年轻参赛者。最后,我要感谢评审团成员在比利时评选过程中所做的工作,感谢比利时联合会理事会成员的承诺和支持。
Our Belgian Federation of Photographers (BFF/FBP), throughout its history, has organized 7 FIAP Biennials for adults and only one FIAP Biennial for young people, so it was high time to organize another FIAP Biennial for young people. This 40th FIAP Youth Biennial was originally to have been held in Austria, but unfortunately Austria had to cancel this arrangement due to the Covid Pandemic. The Biennial was consequently relocated to Belgium where the BFF/FBP brought the 40th FIAP Youth Biennial to a successful conclusion after a postponement of one year, despite very difficult times and the constant adaptation of the organization to the applicable rules.
But all's well that ends well. No less than 21 countries from all over the world participated in two categories (category I up to 16 years and category II up to 21 years). The works presented was of high to very high quality considering the young age. Our photographic friends from Oman were too strong for the other countries and won the World Cup in both categories. Congratulations to the participants from Oman. As for the individual prizes, there were award recipients from different countries and here too a big thumbs up to the winners. I would like to thank all the participating countries and participants for their registrations, and we hope to meet more of the young participants in the future in our competitions under the patronage of FIAP. Finally, I would like to thank the members of the jury for their work during the selection process in Belgium and the members of the board of the Belgian Federation for their commitment and support.