FIAP 双年展
Argentina Luis Alberto Franke Biennials



22nd FIAP Nature Biennial - Germany 2024

We invite all federations members of FIAP to participate in the next Nature Biennial
Closing date: 30 April 2024
Judging date: 6th July 2024
Participation is ONLY open for FIAP Operational Members
Registration will open:  1st February 2024

Biennials are one of the most important events offered by FIAP. They are organized every two years in a different member country. Even years for Black and White and Nature Biennials, odd years for the Colour Biennial

The participation is free. Biennials have a very particular characteristic, different from the international contests. It is not only the quality of the individual work that counts, but FIAP ask for coherent collections, as well of the viewpoint of inspiration and conception as form the viewpoint of execution and presentation. The judgement of the collections is made in two steps:  
1) the judgement of each work of the collection
2) the global judgement of the collection.
The collection obtaining the highest score by the addition of the points of the first and the second judgment, wins the World Cup of the corresponding Biennial. Individual prizes are also awarded to the best works regardless of the classification by federations.

For more information with results and statistics of previous Biennials please click here.

2013 年第 35 届 FIAP 青年数字双年展,奥地利

第 I 组优胜者,16 岁,国家组 Winner Category I, 16 years, Country Section: 德国 第 II 组优胜者,21 岁,国家组 Winner Category II, 21 years, Country Section: 意大利 年份: 2013

2013 年第 25 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,阿根廷

国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 阿根廷,肖像集 Argentina, Retrato ambientado 个人印刷组获奖者 Winner Individual Print Section: 路易斯·弗兰克,阿根廷 Luis Franke, Argentina 年份: 2013

2013 年第 27 届 FIAP 投影图像双年展,卢森堡

国家投影组获奖者 Winner Country Projected Section: 比利时 个人投影组获奖者 Winner Individual Projected Section: 楼梯,伊尔姆加德·塞尔,德国 Treppenaufgang, Irmgard Sell, Germany 年份: 2013

2012 年第 24 届 FIAP 色彩双年展,土耳其

国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 爱尔兰,岛屿海岸 Ireland, Island Coasts 个人印刷组获奖者 Winner Individual Print Section: 贝鲁根角的小船,布莱恩·霍珀,爱尔兰 Boat at Bellurgan Point, Brian Hopper, Ireland 年份: 2012

2012 年第 31 届 FIAP 黑白双年展,西班牙

国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 爱尔兰, 人民 Ireland, People 个人印刷组获奖者 Winner Individual Print Section: 大学之圣,穆罕默德·阿拉姆里,阿曼 Sage of Univers, Mohammed Alamri, Oman 年份: 2012

2012 年第 16 届 FIAP 自然双年展,挪威

国家投影组获奖者 Winner Country Projected Section: 意大利, 动物和食物 Italy, Animals and food 国家印刷组获奖者 Winner Country Print Section: 意大利, 鸟类对抗鸟类 Italy, Birds against Birds 年份: 2012

2011 年第 26 届 FIAP 投影图像双年展,比利时

国家投影组获奖者 Winner Country Projected Section: 意大利, 工作中的男人 Italy, Men at work 个人投影组获奖者 Winner Individual Projected Section: 蒂莫·劳姆·赫蒂宁,小艺术家,芬兰 Timo Lä htinen, Little artist, Finland 年份: 2011