Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

Each year the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) organises a competition where clubs from around the world can submit a set of 20 images to represent the club and its members. 

In 2018 FIAP received entries from over 180 clubs and the winning club was Photoclub BGArt from Bulgaria.  

This is a very new club – they were only founded in 2018 – and this is the first time for them to enter this competition, though each member is a very experienced photographer.  

The Eddie Chandler Gallery, a FIAP Exhibition Center, is very proud to present the set of 20 images which form the submission from Photoclub BGArt.   

Also included are some of the award winners from other clubs throughout the world.  

The exhibition opened on Saturday 6th July and continued until Saturday 27th July.

FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2018 winning photographs - July 2019
