An Evening with Achim Koepf EFIAP/d3
In May 2019 the Irish Photographic Federation invited Achim to be one of the judges at the annual Club Championships – where clubs from all over Ireland enter panels of 10 Monochrome Prints and 10 Colour Prints.
Three eminent judges are asked to be there and to decide which club will win the trophy as the Best Club in Ireland.
This year we were thrilled to have Achim Koepf, Peter Gennard and Barry Meade as the judges.
Following the championships Achim stayed in Dublin and visited the Dublin Camera Club and the FIAP Exhibition Center on Tuesday 14 May to give a digital presentation of his work.
This was an excellent presentation. Achim showed the members images from all around the world – from Hawaii to Kamchatka and from Germany to South Georgia.
At the end of the evening the Club President Tony Davis presented Achim with a copy of the Dublin Camera Club 70thAnniversary commemorative book.
Paul Stanley FIAP EFIAP/gDirector FIAP Exhibition Center