Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

"European Streets" is the title of the international exhibition of photographic art dedicated to Europe Day, organized by the International Association "Euro Foto Art" (AIEFA), in partnership with the Museum of the Land of the Crisis varnished in a special setting. The photographers from the 62 AIEFA Partner Organizations were invited to participate in the Project organized under the auspices of the International Federation of Photographic Art (Recognized by UNESCO), with the support of the Agro Romania Summit. The opening of the exhibition took place at the opening of the 11th edition. of the European Photography Festival, organized by AIEFA and the 26th of the “Festum Varadinum” Festival, on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at 17:00 hour, in the Euro Photo Art Gallery, FIAP Oradea - Romania Exhibition Center in the Oradea Fortress. The audience present in large numbers was greeted by Dr. Diana Iancu, the representative of the Museum, who appreciated the initiative of organizing this exhibition in partnership with AIEFA, dedicated to Europe Day. Next, the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP, the president of AIEFA and the curator of the international exhibition, presented the context in which the 14th edition was organized. of the International Salon of Photographic Art. "I was convinced that the theme of the exhibition" European Streets "was a very good choice. The street where many positive and negative events take place every day was a special artistic challenge for the photographers participating in this project ”. AIEFA Editor-in-Chief László Szűcs praised the unity of this exhibition in his speech. "It was a pleasant surprise for me to discover many exhibits of real artistic value for the exhibits, which presented the special atmosphere of the streets of Old Continent, regardless of the fact that they were made by photographers from Europe, Asia or the USA. Although I did not propose to highlight the names of the authors, but I can't help but remember the names of some photographers whose works caught my eye: Cornel Gingărașu from Galați (RO), Andrei Toma (MD), Gabriel Stanciu EFIAP from Bucharest (RO ) and the guest of honor Lázár Eszter Emese (GR) ”. The event was broadcast online and on Facebook of the International Association: The musical moments were offered by the kindness of the deputy director of the Oradea High School of Arts, Nagy Gabriella, who presented the musical program offered by high school students, who performed several songs from European repertoire. Thus, the student Ferencz István, from the 7th grade C (preparatory teacher Lupșe Anita Laura) performed on the violin the song “Fantasia” by the composer Jacques Féréol Mazas. A group of flutists from grades VI-VIII, consisting of students Füzesi Sára, Bacsó Ágnes, Szakács Panna and Simó Fanni, prepared by Professor Georgiana Mircescu, performed two excerpts from the song "Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi. The 607 International Photographic Art Exhibition dedicated to Europe Day is organized in the preamble of the XXX edition of the "Festum Varadinum" Festival and will remain available to the public of Oradea and tourists who will visit our city until June 17, 2022, Tuesday until Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00. The exhibited works can also be admired at: 

