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The 10th edition of the International Photography Festival "Carol Pop de Szathmári - Szathmári Pap Károly" (trademark registered in Romania at the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania) organized by the International Association "Euro Foto Art" offered the opportunity to organize the 7th edition of the Bihor - Hajdú - Bihar Euroregion Photojournalist Contest. For this edition of the International Competition, 14 photojournalists from the media from the two counties have registered: Bihari Napló (RO), Bihoreanul (RO), Crișana (RO), denagy.hu (HU), dehir.hu (HU ), Hajdú - Bihari Napló (HU), Jurnal Bihorean (RO), ovidpop.ro (RO) and Várad (RO). A jury of art critic Dr. Ramona Novicov, Stanik István, media expert from Debrecen (HU), and photographer Ștefan Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP president of the Euro Foto Art Association (president of the jury), established, based on appreciation of the reportage photography, the 72 images to be exhibited on the walls of the “Euro Foto Art” Gallery, FIAP Exhibition Center Oradea - Romania, as well as the prizes awarded. The opening of the international exhibition and the awards ceremony took place in a friendly atmosphere on Saturday, February 5, 2022, at 11:00, in the presence of all photojournalists (except for Szilágyi Loránd - Oradea (Bihoreanul), in isolation. The event was broadcast live on the International Association's Facebook platform. The audience present both physically and in the virtual space was greeted by Dr. Ioan Ciorba, head of the Oradea City Museum, belonging to the Museum of the Land of Crișurilor - Museum Complex, who praised the initiative to organize the International Competition. Next, the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP presented the context in which he initiated the organization of the first edition of the international competition 7 years ago. Engineer Adrian-Dan ISOC, director of Western Zone Summit Agro Romania welcomed the existing partnership between the Company he represents and the International Association "Euro Foto Art", with which on December 10, 2021, organized the opening of the Exhibition of Romanian artists and Japan, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of diplomacy between the two countries. Media expert Stanik István, director of Magyar Házak Non-Profit SRL in Szeged and Partium House in Debrecen appreciated in his speech the professional level of accepted and awarded photos, respectively launched the invitation of all photojournalists to participate on March 15, 2022 in the opening of the exhibition organized by the Hungarian Press Day at Partium Ház in Debrecen (HU). On the occasion of this event, the digital catalog of the exhibition will be launched, which will be published by Euro Foto Art Publishing House, being edited with the financial support of the organizers from Hungary. At the end of the festivity, the prizes of the international competition were awarded, consisting of plaques and medals "Carol Pop de Szathmári - Szathmári Pap Károly", respectively three Cups and a special plaque of the jury. It was a surprise to announce the awarding of the UNESCO-recognized International Photographic Art Federation medal to media expert Stanik István, in appreciation of the continued support of international and Hungarian photographic art in particular. The musical moments of the opening were provided by the representative of the Chamber Group "Duo Varadiensis" Oradea: Thurzó Sándor József (viola), who will perform: "Balada" by Ciprian Porumbescu (processing for viola by Thurzó Sándor Jèzsef), "Arioso and Fugato" by Eszlári Erzsébet, “From the Drums” by Hilda Jerea (solo viola processing by Thurzó Sándor József) and “Menuetto in preclassic style” by Macalik Alfréd. The special guest of the opening was the artist and photojournalist Kocsis Csaba from Berettyóújfalu (HU), who performed two pieces from the Hungarian repertoire. In conclusion, the engineer Adrian-Dan ISOC, director of Zona de Vest and the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP handed to the photojournalists a gift offered by Summit Agro Romania. The international exhibition of Photojournalists from the Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar Euroregion will remain at the disposal of tourists and the visiting public until 07.03.2022, from Tuesday to Sunday between 09:00 - 17:00 (closed on Mondays). All the exhibited works can be admired on the Association’s website:
