Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy


31 years ago, at the initiative of the photographer Ștefan TÓTH István AFIAP, the first Permanent Gallery of Photographic Art in Oradea and Region was founded, which over the years has been based in different parts of the city. In  2019, the International Federation of Photographic Art (Recognized by UNESCO) agreed that this Gallery should also become the FIAP Oradea Exhibition Center - Romania,  the 17th in the world (out of the 22 existing ones)! It is currently based in the Oradea City Museum section, belonging to the “Țării Crișurilor” Museum Complex. Throughout the 31 years of existence, in this Gallery 599 international exhibitions were opened, made from the works of photographers from all over the world and  over 45,000 artistic photographs were presented to the public, to which access was always free! On October 7, 2021, at 17:00, the 600th International Exhibition was opened in a festive setting, consisting of works accepted at the World Competition of FIAP Photo Centers around the world. For this year's competition, 408 works by 104 photographer artists from South Africa, Argentina, Bangladesh, Cyprus, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, the United Kingdom, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey were submitted. International jury composed of photographers: Riccardo Busi EFIAP / p, President of FIAP (Italy), Joan Burgues Martisella AFIAP / Hon. EFIAP, FIAP Vice President and EC Director FIAP (Andorra), Romain Nero Director of FIAP Patronage Service (Luxembourg), Paul Stanley EFIAP / g, FIAP Liaison Officer (Ireland), Joanne Stolte EFIAP FIAP Liaison Officer (USA) accepted for the  World Exhibition 61 of images, including three images of photographers from CE FIAP Oradea - Romania Ovi D. POP EFIAPs (one awarded) and Ovidiu Gabor EFIAP. The opening of the international photographic art exhibition, made available by CE FIAP Oradea - Romania by the director of CE FIAP Sille Meram Palace of Arts / Konya - Turkey photographer artist Reha Billir, as well as the award ceremony will take place on Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 17: 00 and was sent online https://www.facebook.com/EuroFotoArtAsociatieInter...https://www.facebook.com/EuroFotoArtAsociatieInter... being viewed by over 1,000 photography lovers. The audience present at the event was greeted by Dr. Ioan Ciorba, head of the Oradea City Museum, belonging to the Muzeul "Țării Crișurilor", - Museum Complex, who thanked the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP for the huge work done to organize the 600 exhibitions, only in this exhibition space! The director of the FIAP Oradea - Romania Exhibition Center, the photographer artist Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, after presenting the context in which the 600 exhibitions were organized, thanked the team, who were with him and helped his work for over three decades. The exhibited works were presented by the art critic Dr. Ramona Novicov (in Romanian) and the editor László Szűcs (in Hungarian), who appreciated the exceptional artistic level of the exhibits. In conclusion, the Director of the FIAP Exhibition Center Oradea - Romania handed over to the photographer artist Ovi D. Pop EFIAPs the special prize of the organizers. The musical moments were offered by the representative of the Chamber Group "Duo Varadiensis" from Oradea, Thurzó Sándor József, who over the three decades raised the atmosphere of the openings, who performed the works: "From the Drums" by Hilda Jerea (processed for solo viola by Thurzó Sándor József), “Ave Maria” by Svetozar Sasa Kovaćević and “Balada” by C. Porumbescu (processed for viola solo by Thurzó Sándor József). Also present at the opening were the students of the Trumpet Quartet of the Arts High School in Oradea, consisting of Borzási Kondrát, Kovács Kristóf and Lucas Pop prepared by Professor Vura János, who performed the compositions "Holliday Fanfares" by Harald Schiffman, "Trumpet ”By Milton Dietrich and“ Intrada and Intermezzo ”by Leroy Ostransky. The works can also be viewed at: https://www.eurofotoart.com/efa-exbhibitions-halls... The new exhibition will remain available to the visiting public until 29.10.2021 and can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00. (Photo: EFA/ Csíki János)
