Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

The celebration of 30 years of the “Euro Foto Art” Gallery, as well as 200 years since the birth of the first photo-grapher from Oradea - MEZEY Lajos - brought up the opportunity of organizing an exceptional visual arts exhibition. On the walls of the gallery, photographs by Sergey MAJOROV EFIAP and paintings by Tatiana PYATERNEVA were exhibited. The paintings were inspired by the works of the exhibiting photographer. Both artists are from Penza (Russian Federation). The exhibition was organized under the patronage of the International Photographic Asso-ciation (FIAP) and it bears the name “Next Life”. 
It opened on Tuesday, the 30th of June 2020 at 18:00, in the “Euro Foto Art” - FIAP Exhibition Center Oradea-Romania, in the company of a reduced public, but broadcast online on the Association’s facebook web page: 
   https://www.facebook.com/EuroFotoArtAsociatieInter.... The public was greeted by Ștefan TÓTH AFIAP - president of the “Euro Foto Art” International Association and the cura-tor of the exhibition. In his speech, he appreciated the originality of the project: ”It is an absolute premiere that on the walls of our well-known Gallery, a painter and a photographer are exhibiting together. Also, there are few cases in which paintings are done after photographs”, mentioned Ștefan TÓTH AFIAP. The works that were exhibited were also given a presentation by Dr. Ramona Novicov - art critic. She appreciated the artistic level of the works and regretted the fact that the paintings (sent from Penza on the 8th of June and are still stuck in transit as of June 13 2020, in the International Post Office of Khimki, close to Moscow) have not arrived, due to the pandemic. Musical moments were provided by artists of the Chamber Group “Duo Varadinensis” from Oradea - Lucian MALITA (violin) and THURZÓ Sándor József (viola) - they interpreted works from Russian and Romanian repertoire: Liana Alexandra: Melody (reworked for a duet by THURZÓ Sándor József) Aram Haciaturian: from ”Masquerade”, No.2, "Nocturna" by George Enescu: Rapsodie Roumaine, op. 11 , no 2. G. Sviridov: from the Suite ”Viforul”, "Romance".

Photo text:
01- Participants in the opening (left) Dr. Ramona NOVICOV (art critic), Stefan TÓTH AFIAP,    director of FIAP Exhibition Center Oradea-Romania, Lucian Malita (violin) and  THURZÓ Sándor József (alto) - Photo: Erzsébet Mandy VARGA.
02- Participants in the opening (left) Dr. Ramona Novicov (art critic), Stefan TÓTH AFIAP, director of FIAP Exhibition Center Oradea - Romania, Lucian MALITA (violin) and THURZÓ Sándor József (alto) – Photo: Emeric Imre ILLÉS.
03- Dr. Ramona Novicov (art critic), presents the exhibited works - Photo: Emeric Imre ILLÉS. 
04- Duo Varadiensis artists Lucian MALITA (violin) and  THURZÓ Sándor József (alto) perform from the Romanian and Russian musical repertoire - Photo: Emeric Imre ILLÉS 
05- Dr. Ramona Novicov (art critic), presents the exhibited works - Photo: Emeric Imre ILLÉS 
06- The visiting public - Photo: Emeric Imre ILLÉS. 
07- Group image of the participants in the opening - Photo: Erzsébet Mandy VARGA
08- Among the visitors is the oldest photographer in Oradea, Tibor ERBSZ – Photo Erzsébet Mandy VARGA 
09- Among the visitors and young artists photographers members of the International Association "Euro Foto Art" in Oradea - Photo: Erzsébet Mandy VARGA.
10- Group image of the participants - Photo: Erzsébet Mandy VARGA

Famous Photographer Sergey Majorov And Tatiana Pyaterneva - June 2020
