It has been our future goal for so long to have FIAP Exhibition Center in Indonesia. When I met FIAP President Riccardo Busi in Morocco during FIAP Photomeeting 2019 and discussed with him about opening FEC, he encouraged me to make it happen and promised to help me in anyway he can. We met again in Italy later that year, and he showed me FIAP Exhibition Center in Montevarchi.
Then we start looking for the potential candidate for the FIAP Exhibition Center, We found one in Bali, and after months of careful planning and preparation, we were good to go. But in April 2020, Covid-19 hit our world so badly, everything fell apart, All of us were so dissappointed that time. Now as I look back, I consider it as blessing in disguise, because we found the perfect place for FIAP Exhibition Center, “Pandeng Gallery”.
As part of Photography Department of Faculty of Recorded Media Arts, Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta, we’ll share mutual benefits, FIAP will have its Ambassador in Indonesia, our photographic society will have access to exhibition gallery, and The Institute will have more international exposure.
On september 7th 2021, the gallery officially become the first FIAP Exhibition Center in Indonesia. The ceremonial was carried out by the Chancellor of Indonesia Institute of The Arts, Prof. Dr. Agus Burhan and FIAP President, Mr. Riccardo Busi and attended by FIAP Vice President, Mr. Joan Burgues Martisella, Indonesia Federation President Mr. Johnny Hendarta, Director of Indonesia Art Photo ILFIAP, Ms. Agatha Anne Bunanta and some of the FIAP Directors.
I hope it does not only serve exhibitions, education, and communication, but also motivation and inspiration to our society, especially youth artists in Photography Department.I wish Pandeng Gallery (FEC) all the future success in opening up a whole new chapter that further enriches our cherished and promising partnership.
Best Regards,
Harjanto Sumawan
FIAP Liaison Officer of IndonesiaCo-Director Pandeng FIAP Exhibition Center Indonesia