Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

The Day of Photographic Art in Romania is celebrated in accordance with the Government Decision of Romania number 458 from 05.05.2010, every year, on January 11, the birthday of the first war photographer in the world ”Carol Pop by Szathmári - Szathmári Pap Károly”. The International Association "Euro Foto Art" (AIEFA) has been organizing since 2013 an exceptional Festival dedicated to this event. Within the Festival organized under the auspices of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), with the support of the AIEFA Partner Organizations in Serbia, Romania, Ukraine and Hungary, tens of photographic art exhibitions will be opened in one of the best-known galleries in Europe. The official launch of the eighth edition of the International Photography Festival "Carol Pop de Szathmári - Szathmári Pap Károly", took place on Friday, January 10, 2020, at 18:00, at the "Euro Photo Art" Gallery, FIAP Exhibition Center Oradea - Romania (CEFIAPOR), in the presence of more than 50 photographers and photography lovers from Romania and Hungary, who filled up the well Gallery Oradea known. The audience present at the event was greeted by the photographer artist Ștefan Tóth AFIAP, the president of AIEFA and the director of CEFIAPOR. During the festivities, the opening of the annual International Exhibition of AIEFA members took place. It has become a tradition for the members of the International Association to present at the beginning of each year with a representative exhibition with the most successful artistic photographs taken during the past year. This time on the simes of the well-known Oradea Gallery 109 photos were taken with great professional mastery by the 78 artist photographers members of the International Association "Euro Photo Art" (AIEFA) from: Austria, Czech Republic, China, France, Germany, Ireland , Israel, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, USA, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Hungary. The works were presented by art critic dr. Ramona Novicov. The musical moments were offered by the artist of the "Duo Varadiensis" Thurzó Sándor József (alto), respectively by two photographers artists members of AIEFA: Kocsis Csaba from Berettyóújfalu (HU) and Radui Elemér from Oradea (RO) (guitar). The annual exhibition of the members of the International Association "Euro Foto Art" organized with the support of the County Library "Gheorghe Șincai" and the Photographic Club "Nufărul" Oradea will remain available to the public during the working days, until February 7, 2020 between 08:00 - 19:00, to which access is free.
