From last September 3 until the 27th of this month, at the FIAP Exhibition Center “Semeyes del mundo”, in Langreo, at the Eduardo Úrculo Pinacoteca, the commemorative exhibition of the 10 years of our friends of the Sille Sanat Sarayi group from Turkey.
We have to thank Sille Sanat Sarayi for the opportunity to bring this exhibition to our CEF room in Langreo. It is an opportunity to see, observe and admire the works that compose it, which in a number of 30 have been hung in the Eduardo Úrculo Pinacoteca.The sample is one of the best that has passed through our room, standing out for its great thematic and technical variety, ranging from portraiture to landscape, color and black white, to photography of travel and nature or the rural world from a drone . The good work of Sille Sanat Sarayi is perfectly demonstrated.There is no doubt that when an association is perfectly organized and carries out learning plans over time for its members, it achieves that in a more or less long period of time results in accordance with that organization and those plans, Sille Sanat Sarayi has done so. done and the results are obvious.We, from CEF-Langreo, only hope that the exhibition has been to the liking of all those who visit it, to thank again our friends from Sille Sanat for their willingness to collaborate as they have done with us until now, and hope that in the future successes keep smiling on our turkish friends. Tebrikler.