Exhibition 20-27 June 2022Dies Natalis 38 Indonesia Institute of The ArtsYogyakartaBy Harjanto Sumawan EFIAP/b Co-director Pandeng FIAP Exhibition Centre, Indonesia On the 38th Anniversary of Indonesia Institute of The Arts, Yogyakarta, the Faculty of Recording Media Arts held exhibitions of selected works to highlight the great theme of Art Excellence for the Recovery of Life, with the sub-theme of New Beginnings for the Future. The event was oriented towards the development of the Faculty, especially the Study Program, to continue to contribute to the world of recording media art.
An exhibition was held in the FIAP Exhibition Centre Galeri Pandeng, Indonesia Institute of The Arts, Yogyakarta, and on website: https://galeripandeng.isi.ac.id/index.php/dies-nat... from 20-27 June 2022. The Exhibition event displayedphotographic works and audio video, (television programs, short films, documentaries, character designs, concept art, animated films), by students and lecturers in the FSMR ISI Yogyakarta environment. It also included works from guests. Guests are invited to participate every year from various art colleges with study programs in the field of recording media, who are members of the BKS-PTSI (Indonesian Art-College Coordination Board), the Association of Indonesian Photography Study Programs or the Association of Indonesian Film and Television Study Programs. There are also guest participants from similar universities abroad who collaborate with FSMR ISI Yogyakarta, such as Universiti Teknologi Mara UiTM Malaysia, VCA - University of Melbourne and Eszterhazy Karoly University in Hungary. One of the works displayed was an animated film which was the result of applied research in collaboration with the Yogyakarta Provincial Archeology Centre.
The presented works reflected the production of creativity that continues to emerge from the pandemic conditions and prove that art is surviving and innovating.
An exhibition and screening are a rendezvous between artists, academics and the public. The diversity of works displayed is expected to open a lively dialectic/art discussion process to build ideas about recording media art in the realm of the creative industry and will certainly emphasize the existence of the discourse of recording media art in the community, in terms of both education and art appreciation in a broad spectrum.
The curators selected and sorted out the best of our student work, as well as various works of lecturers from a Study of Animation Program. The exhibition displayed some works from the Faculty of Recorded Media Art, including presentations from 65 students from the Study of Photography Program, 36 works from the Study of Film and Television Program and 34 works from lecturers and students from the Study of Animation Program, with a total of 135 works. In terms of quantity, this number was quite encouraging. The number of the best selected works from the learning outcomes, can be interpreted as a form of success in a learning process during the pandemic period.
In terms of content or substance, the presented works on these exhibitions can be classified according to several key words that arise and become their special interest. The experience of loss, traumatic experience, archeology of memories, fragments of life, restoration of life, creative power, experimentation and hope were the key words that wove inspiration into the appreciation of creation from all the creators.
The pandemic period has been full of stress, sadness and fear, and has left scars on our collective subconscious mind. These memories and experiences emerge and inspire a healing process in our collective mental wounds through the production and reproduction of works of art. Here it should be noted, art occupies the most important place in human life. Art will always inspire people to restore their lives.
Congratulations to all the artists, and hopefully you all enjoyed the exhibition and screening of the works of the recording media art faculty, “Art For Life Recovery, New Beginnings for the Future”.