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Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

Understanding FIAP Exhibition Center 

Virtual sharing from Reha Bilir (Sille Sanat Sarayi)    

Just 10 days after the establishment of the first FIAP exhibition center in Indonesia, we held the event for Indonesia Exhibition Center on 17 of September 2021. We had invited Reha Bilir, Hon SSS, ESFIAP, AFIAP, the Founder and the Director of Sille Sanat Sarayi Photography Club and also the First Exhibition Center in Turkey and the first five FIAP Exhibition Center worldwide, to share his experiences in building his club and the activities of his exhibition center that is known to be one of the most active FIAP Exhibition Center.  

More than 200 people has attended the presentation, the lecturers and students from the Indonesia Institute of the Arts of Yogyakarta (ISI Yogyakarta), photographers from both countries Indonesia and Turkey and many more. The event was moderated by Agni Saraswati, the Head of Gallery Pandeng (ISI Yogyakarta).  

Irwandi as the Dean of the Faculty of Media Arts from the Institute and Co-Director of Indonesia Exhibition Center opened the event, followed by Harjanto Sumawan as the FIAP Liaison Officer for Indonesia and Co-Director of Indonesia Exhibition Center.  Presented as well Johnny Hendarta, President of Federation of Photographic Society of Indonesia; Agatha Bunanta, Director of Art Photography of Indonesia, ILFIAP Club in Indonesia; Edial Rusli, the Vice Dean of the Faculty and Oscar Samaratungga, the Head of Photography Department. 

Reha shared his experiences about building his solid team in Sille Sanat Sarayi Club and how he expanded the networking by becoming the ILFIAP club. He shared his exhibition activities since the establishment in 2014. As the Media Coordinator of FIAP Photo Academy, Reha explained and shared about the FIAP Photo Academy and its future programs. 
The inspiring and motivational presentation has been appreciated by many audiences and we hope to build stronger collaboration with Sille Sanat Sarayi and also with other organizations worldwide in the future.   

Harjanto SumawanFIAP Liaison Officer of IndonesiaCo-Director Pandeng FIAP Exhibition Center Indonesia

Virtual online sharing with Reha Bilir - September 2021
