Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

Photographic Art Association of Transcarpathia has presented in The Carpathian FIAP Exhibition Center on the 3rd of June within the framework of the project «World supports Ukrainian artists» photo exhibition by the Slovak photo club from the city of Ružomberok "On the threshold of the century". The exposition consists of 39 pictures by the 27 photographers and  represents the creativity of the last two years of one of the oldest photo clubs in Europe, as "Fotoklub RK 1924" celebrates next year 100 years of its activity. Chairman of the photo club Štefan Ižo saying: «Today's exhibition is one from more than ten collections, which we plan to present on the occasion of an important date in the photographic life of the Carpathian region. But, above all, we are happy that in this way we can support Ukrainians in their struggle for independence. And also the optimistic faces of children and young people, who today contemplated the photos from the presented exposition, encourage us to be creative». 

The exhibition will last till June 12th, 2023.    

Volodymyr Norba,  
curator of the exhibition, an expert of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
