Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

In the Carpathian Exhibition Center of the International Federation of Photographic Art was opened the exhibition "Mental State". The exhibition presents 39 photographs by four contemporary authors: Mykola Tynkalyuk (EFIAP), Vasily Bodnar, Ivan Burkalo, Volodymyr Norba (AFIAP) and  Mykola-Aureliy Keresteni (1910 – 1969) – a famous priest and photographer, who received in the 40s of the 20th century in Paris one of the most prestigious photographic awards –"Golden Apple".  The exhibition is designed to draw people's attention to the study of their spiritual condition during the war, when it is difficult to express the desire for change. The task of the project is to help to restore the inner harmony of human, which is needed to participate in the processes of the world creation.

Folk amateur ensemble, specialised on the folk songs named "Rozmaria", accompanied by a string quartet of the chamber orchestra of the Zakarpattya Regional Philharmonic, gifted the present composition "Prayer for Ukraine" (the words by Fedir Norba (1928 – 2016), the music by Ivan Ladyka (1937 – 2007). The event was organized by the Photographic Art Association of Transcarpathia and Uzhhorod Museum of Local Lore named after T. Legotsky within the framework of the project "Ukraine will overcome the evil empire". The exhibition will be exhibited in the Carpathian FIAP Exhibition Center in Uzhhorod Museum of Local Lore named after T. Legotsky until May 20, 2022.  

Volodymyr Norba – curator of the exhibition, expert of Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
