Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

On Friday, September 27, the audiovisual "Fiap Nature Collection 2017" was screened, with almost 150 photographs

It was composed by authors from all over the world, and they are the best outstanding nature photographs 2017 chosen by FIAPWe want to thank the FIAP authorities and Jef Lemmens who sent us the photographs to make this audiovisual that we were able to present to our members and also members of photo clubs from all over the country and who were present.
We also want to mention that in this collection there is a photograph entitled "Copulating" from the Argentine author to Anibal Ruiz and congratulate him for that mention.In the link that follows below you can see the audiovisual. bit.ly/fiapnaturecollection2017
