Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

On Friday, October 25, took place the Opening and Awards Ceremony of our 54th Art Photography Exhibition, sponsored by the FIAP, at the Fontanarrosa Cultural Center (one of the most important Exhibition Halls in the city of Rosario). During the event, 90 photographs of national and international authors who obtained Medals and Ribbons were presented. The inauguration was in charge of the Director of the Cultural Center, Rafael Ielpi, the President of the Peña Fotografía Rosarina, Christian Jamin, and the Chairman of the Salon, Jorge Scilipoti. Then the awards were given to the local authors who attended to receive them. To end one of the most important events of the Institution a toast was made.

In addition to the photos of the event we are showing the four gold medals of each category
