Vivian Maier is the mostmysterious photographer in the history. She was nanny all throughout her life.Her photography works have been discovered coincidently after she was dead.This probably was the most special case in photography history. She isrecognized in public based on big difference between her dual statusidentification: mysterious nanny and eremitic artist. All images shephotographed weren’tprocessed before her dead, just like her soul course, hided in a box. A veryimportant function of photography is to spread, but Vivian Maier hided all herworks in a box, and subverts people's traditional understanding of photography.Her life is highest level of her work. If we treat her as an unprecedentedartist, and the social role that she pretended through her life, just likeirony of this powered and institutionalized society. Then her independentphotos are the wedge among her works of life.
Fifty original works ofVivian Maier will be exhibited this time. They are provide by artgalleries and collectors in America. Thank you very much!