Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

Ahmed Albusaidi, President of Photographic Soceity of Oman - PSO and Honorable Member of Sille Sanat Sarayı was our guest at Sille Sanat Sarayı FIAP Exhibition Center in Konya.

Ahmed Albusaidi gave information about the activities of the Photographic Society of Oman (PSO) members and the competitions they organized as a community. 

Ahmed Albusaidi, FIAP's director of the exhibition center in Oman, shared his thoughts with our members for the joint activities with Sille Sanat Sarayı in the future. 

This event is under the Auspices of FIAP - 2019 / 40

The Photographic in Oman - September 2019
