Name of the building: GINESTRA Fabbrica della Conoscenza
Via della Ginestra n.2152025 Montevarchi (AR) Italy
Tel.+39 055 9108351-
Mail: \
Via del Crocifisso n.11 52025Montevarchi (AR) Italy
Cell: +39 3474829348 – mail : /
Whatis Ginestra, the factory of knowledge:
The Cultural Center "Ginestra Fabbrica dellaConoscenza" includes the Municipal Library, in its new review, and spacesequipped for activities and events of an artistic and didactic nature,including laboratories oriented to the creation of original productions, showsand live performances, conferences, seminars, workshops.
The new cultural center offers a welcoming place toproduce and share ideas and knowledge, discover interests and cultivatepassions, collect and enhance the culture of memory.
A public place designed to be for everyone and foreveryone, which enriches the city with a multi-functional, high-tech space.
In Ginestra it is possible to meet, entertain, read,study, update, browse, discover and deepen, propose, participate.
Access is free and servicesare free.
1500 square meters covered on 2 levels withelevator, 300-seat outdoor amphitheater, coffee bar, 150 informal sessions and 130 seats for reading at thetable,
room equipped for events, projections, theater andconcerts, room for audio / video projections for small groups, wi-fi coverage,
6 positions for graphic design, layout and audio-videoediting with dedicated printer (by reservation),
13 Internet and word processing stations of which 4are dedicated to children, 9 e-book readers, multimedia interactive whiteboard,
50,000 books of which 6,000 books in the Children and Youth Section,1600 books in the Section History and local cultures, 300 comic books andgraphic novels
4 newspapers, 55 periodicals and magazines, 800 music CDs, audiobooks, DVDmovies.
Services andactivities:
- consultation of municipal historical archives (pre- andpost-unification) and aggregated archives (CGIL, La Familiare)
- online catalog of the library and the Arezzodocumentary network
- consultancy and bibliographic information
- consultation and reading on site
- loan of books, comics, audiobooks, CDs and DVDs
(concurrently allowed 7 volumes for 30 days, 5 CDs /DVDs for 7 days) renewable (also via telephone and e-mail) and bookable (alsoby telephone)
- access to the MLOL platform (Media Library On Line)which provides free newspapers, magazines, music and books in electronic format
- New online service My Profile: allows subscribers tomanage their personal data, see all that has been borrowed, the maturities ofcurrent loans and insert comments on books read, integrated with socialnetworks
- interlibrary loan and supply of documents from otherlibraries (for a fee if outside the region)
- Internet and multimedia services
- stations for quick navigation and online catalogconsultation
- workstation with special aids dedicated to userswith disabilities
reproductions, including digital ones, of the materialowned by the library (paid service)
- guided tours
- mailing-list
- news reporting, thematic bibliographies, reviews andreading proposals
- community and territorial information
- games and video games
- services and activities for children and youngpeople
- lifelong learning and Polo TRIO (distance learning)
- Passanota (loan of audio-video equipment)
- Promotion of special projects
- meetings with authors, book presentations, thematiccycles
- film screenings and documentaries
- educational proposals for schools
- reading circles, voluntary groups of readers,thematic meetings, conferences, seminars
- exhibitions and documentary and photographic reviews
- laboratories for reading, writing and playing
- artistic, musical, theatrical and computerlaboratories;
- Exhibition Center of FIAP (International Federationof Art Photographique) Sala della Filanda. The Filanda room can accommodate upto 50 photos of the dimensions of cm. 50x70 or 50x50.
The history of the Montevarchi Broom revolves around a small churchdedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, already known in the 7th century.However, its importance grew between 1009 and 1010 when a hospital was added tothe church, which, as evidenced by the documents, was placed in those sameyears under the patronage of the Canons of the Cathedral of Arezzo by thebishop Elemperto.
The Broom thus became a boundary on the edge of the Archeandiocese, but completely inserted into the Montevarchin territory, the lastfossil of the diocese of Fiesole.
Between the 7th and the 11th century, therefore, the pilgrimage servicewas added to the care of the spirit.
In this respect, the Ginestra was found to play a key role in thesacred paths along the Upper Valdarno as it set itself as a lighthouse forthose who crossed Via Cassia. In the 15th century the conversion into aBenedictine cloistered monastery deeply transformed the building to suit itsnew needs.
This destination made the site very important until the suppression in1778.
In 1886 Ernesto Amphoux made it into a filing and in 1979 the municipaladministration of Montevarchi decided to purchase it and restarted it in 1981.
The Administration with intervention has foreseen the monumental complexof the Ginestra for
The layout and accessibility of the Cultural Center the Ginestra.
Within this container they have found the municipal library and spacesfor the organization of temporary exhibitions, workshops, study spaces andaggregation.
To do this, horizontal and vertical paths have been revised in order toreduce the general inputs, ensure the oversight of the premises and, above all,minimize access problems.
The library will also use a ground floor part of the first floor and thesecond floor.
It has become necessary, in order to implement the accessibility of thepremises with the removal of architectural barriers, to set up an elevator thatwill connect the various floors. At the main entrance there was a counter for the general reception ofthe cultural institution where to find information about the activitiesproposed to the users.
The library's premises are furnished with open-air consultation Volumesand tables for study.
Computer-equipped workstations for database and Internet browsing areavailable.
The lounge on the second floor "Sala della Filanda" is set upfor theater performances and
Multimedia views. For this reason it has been equipped with seatingadjustable in number
Seats, a "wooden" and American floor-to-ceiling space foraudio / video / lights controllable lighting equipment, and the room was usedfor photographic and pictorial exhibitions.
Ginestra's intervention has provided for an interdisciplinary andintercultural cultural institution that wants to provide a possibleintervention model, which originates from and to the territory with itsspecificity and identity to be built over time.
The Ginestra Project, based on the aforementioned values, is born withthe vocation of building a "hinge" institution between innovation andresource utilization,
Which is situated and identifies itself in the enlarged territory of theValdarno as a point of reference for All over Tuscany.
To do this, it is essential to center in the architectural space themunicipal library as well Place of local knowledge and cultural initiatives.
The inauguration of the Center took place on Saturday, May 3, 2014, withthe inauguration of the exhibition "WOMEN'S PHOTO ART IN FIAP"curated by the International Federation of Art Photographiques and the F. MochiAssociation of Montevarchi.
At the ceremony were the President of FIAP, Richard Busi and all theBoard of Directors.
The agreement was created after the signing of the Memorandum ofUnderstanding signed on 30 August 2013 between the Municipality of Montevarchiin the presence of Mayor Francesco Maria Grasso and the AssociazioneFotoamatori Francesco Mochi with itsPresident Enzo Righeschi and the Fédération Internationale de l’ArtPhotographique (FIAP) with its President Riccardo Busi, in which Ginestra isidentified as the place where to create a FIAP Exhibition Center for theOrganization of Photographic Exhibitions with international authors.