Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

Galeria ”Euro Foto Art” Gallery (founded: 1990)
Adress: Piata Emanuil Gojdu nr. 39 - 41 Oradea (Romania) - Oradea Fortress
Postal adress: P.O.Box. 01 - Postal Office Oradea 2 - Romania
Director: Ștefan TÓTH István AFIAP
Phone number: +40/ 741/ 212111
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuroFotoArtAsociatieInter...
Website: www.eurofotoart.com
E-mail: eurofotoart@gmail.com / ec.oradea.ro@fiap.net

They can be exposed 101 standard photos (30 x 45 cm).The gallery from the city center is managed by the ”Euro Foto Art” International Association (the unique Regional Member of FIAP in the World) founded in 2008 in Oradea (RO) by Stefan Tóth AFIAP photography artist. The ”Euro Foto Art” International Association  (EFAIA) has over 500 members  (creators, honor and sympathizers) from Europe, Asia and the USA. The EFAIA collaborates with 52 partner organizations from Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the USA. It gives patronage for national and international photography salons with medals and ”Carol Pop de Szathmári - Szathmári Pap Károly” wafers (Romanian trade mark). It organizes 4 International Photography Festivals each year. It manages the ”Euro Foto Art” Publishing House and the www.eurofotoart.com internet site in three languages. For the partner organizations the EFAIA organizes the World-wide Cup EFA of the Photoclubs. It organizes technical and artistical photography classes where Stefan Tóth AFIAP is teaching and hundreds authors become creative members out of these classes. The EFAIA organizes open exhibitions at the Oradea Medieval Fortress, the City Hall's Tower and at the Zion Neolog Synagogue. The ”Euro Foto Art” Gallery was founded in 1990 by Stefan Tóth AFIAP-photography artist and at first was managed by the ”Nufărul” Photoclub Oradea - Romania. The exhibiting places were offered by the Oradea City Hall and the Bihor Regional Council. 570 national and international exhibitions had been opened here until today, from all over the world. Over 45000 images were exhibited seen by over 200.000 visitors. During the openings well-known artists are performing musical pieces. The exhibitions in this gallery can be visited for free.
