Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Exhibition centers SD


Venice Marathon 02, Marzio Filippo Minorello, Italy

Director: Mr. Volodymyr Norba
Address: Kapitulna 33, Uzhhorod, 88000, Ukraine. Transcarpathian museum of regional studies named after Tivadar Lehoczky (Uzhhorod Castle)
Tel: +380992807484
Email: norbavd@gmail.com / ec.thecarpathian.ua@fiap.net
Web: https://fotokarpat.com.ua

We would like to raise the level of our photographic activity by opening the
FIAP exhibition center in Uzhhorod Castle (Закарпатський обласний краєзнавчий музей імені Тиводара Легоцького (zkmuseum.com).

In this castle gallery (of Transcarpathian museum of regional studies) for a twelve-year period our union (Спілка фотохудожників Закарпаття Photographic Art Association of Transcarpathia (fotokarpat.com.ua) has organized 115 international photo exhibitions. Futhermore, as ILFIAP Club since 2013 we have organized 11Salons under the FIAP Patronage. Award ceremonies were also held in Uzhhorod Castle. We maintain partnerships with IlFIAP Clubs (ILFIAP Club "Euro Foto Art" Association and FIAP Exhibition Center Fotograd Negova), whose exhibition centers are located in medieval castles. In 2020 with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation we organized the project "Castles of the Carpathian region." 

We hope that opening of the exhibition center will not only contribute to the development of photography, but also to the preservation of historical heritage and encourage photographic organizations to open FIAP exhibition centers in other castles in Europe and the world. (Transcarpathia has borders with 4 countries, where about 100 castles are preserved in good condition). 

All technical details have been agreed with the administration of the Transcarpathian museum of regional studies. Asking you to give assent to the opening of the FIAP exhibition center in Uzhhorod.

Volodymyr Norba
