PhotographicSociety of Oman
P.O.Box: 1444
Postal Code: 121AlSeeb
Sultanate of OmanPhone: +968 99798883 (availablefor Call & Whatsapp)
Email: \
Number ofphotos the center can exhibit = 25 – 100 photos
description of the Center: It located in AlKhoudh – Muscat
Brief history;
The Photographic Society of Oman Profiles:
The Photographic Societyof Oman was established in 9th of July 2012 based on Royal order of HisMajesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, and the Diwan decision NO.49 / 2012,where formerly was Photography Club since 1993. PhotographicSociety is a member in the international Federation of Photographic Arts(FIAP). Members of the Society participate in Biennales, Contest and Exhibitionof Photographic Arts (FIAP). The Photographic Society organize weekly andmonthly activities (lectuers,exhibition,workshops,contest,photo clinics,photoshows) for the potential members to enhance their Photography skills. Manymembers of the Society have been awarded distentions, badges andcertificates from the international Federation of Photographic Arts (FIAP).Many members of the Society had awarded number of medals in internationalbiennales, contest and exhibition.