CENTRO ESPOSITIVO FIAP “lumiere”. Palazzo Oddo, 3° piano, via Roma58 -17031 Albenga
Contatti: PAOLO TAVAROLI, via Dalmazia 12/17 -17032 Albenga
Email: paolotavaroli@gmail.com
Cell. +39 333 5215206
The Albenga exposure
Fiap centre "Lumiere" was inaugurated the 29th july 2016during the “Sangiorgio & Albenga Photography 2nd Edition” photo festivalevents.
The Fiap photo galleryis located on the third floor of the Albenga culture building in the historicalcentre of the town. The city, of ancient roman and pre-roman origins, boasts a medievalappearance walled center.
At the cerimony werepresent the Fiap president Mr. Riccardo Busi, the Fiap Vice President Mr. JoanBurges Martisella (Director of the FIAP WorldExhibition Centres), the Fiap General Treasurer Mr. Herbert Gmeiner. The exposure centrehas started his activity by presenting the groupexhibition of FIAP authors "OurLittle World" with photos by: Bilir Reha, Brkic Branislav, Bani Angelo,Garzone Cristina, Bardossi Virgilio, Montini Giulio, Zurla Marco, MadedduBruno, Li Xiuping, Liao Xiaixi, Righeschi Enzo, Bernardeschi Valter, FaveroAdriano, Alai Andrea, Busi Riccardo.
The exposure centre already held exhibitions since two years asexhibition Fiap Photo Gallery with the attendance at S&AIP 2014 and displaying the 2015Italy-China Fiap photo show.
Director of theexposure Fiap centre was named the President of Albenga S.Giorgio Photo Club Mr. PaoloTavaroli AFIAP- ESFIAP.
Info: www.albengaphotography.com
Direttore:Paolo Tavaroli AFI-AFIAP-ESFIAP
ViaDalmazia 12/17- 17031 Albenga