The primary task of the FIAP News service is to produce the FIAP News magazine. This major publication is circulated quarterly as a digital publication. News and photos from all the major FIAP events, such as the Congress, Photo Meetings, Biennials and the World Cup for Clubs are featured such that photographers around the world can experience something of what takes place during these events. Exhibitions held at the FIAP Exhibition Centres are also featured, and articles of interest from FIAP affiliates around the world are published within the pages of this magazine. Notices and information from FIAP’s Board and Service Directors will be included when applicable and there will also be some stories and photos from FIAP’s history. FIAP News is a vehicle by which all those connected by FIAP can share and celebrate their photography activities worldwide.
FIAP Officials, Affiliates and Individual FIAP Members are invited to submit articles and accompanying high quality photographs for possible publication. FIAP News is produced in English only.
If you wish to submit an article, please download and read the:
Requirements for Articles Submitted to FIAP News
Regulation for Publishing Articles in FIAP News – Doc 032 / 2021” (available in English and French versions)
Articles submitted, must be accompanied by the “FIAP News Author’s Agreement” form that has been completed and signed by the author of the article. If the author is under the age of 18 then the author’s parent or guardian must complete and sign the “FIAP News Author’s Agreement for Minors” form. Click on the “View More” button below to download the applicable documents.