Sami Olavi Lommi
Finland Sami Olavi Lommi MFIAP作者

​Anatomy of Boxing

For over a decade I have studied the anatomy of professional boxing. Being rated as the toughest sport on earth and said to be the loneliest sport on the planet, I have been fascinated with the passion and dedication shown by professional boxers in sacrificing their whole existence in their quest for perfecting their profession. 

I have chosen the bout as the common denominator for illustrating these spectacular athletes. In the ring the boxers are equal regardless of whether they are male or female, lightweight or heavyweight, black or white or whether they are in the beginning of their careers or world champions. The practitioners show immense respect for each other as they  expose themselves to mortal danger in trying to destroy the opponent.  

Capturing the brutality and the intensity of a bout is technically extremely challenging and requires good knowledge of boxing technique and tactics as well as excellent timing. The narrative of this portfolio reaches from the referee’s speech in the beginning to announcing the winner in the end. Collecting this portfolio has required photographing approximately 200 bouts.
