Herbert Gmeiner
Austria Herbert Gmeiner MFIAP作者

Bus Trip to Warsaw

I was born in Vienna on 4th April 1954 as a son of a professional photographer. My mother assisted his husband in the darkroom and photo studio owned by his sister.

During my schoolholidays I also helped my father there. Therefor I started to take pictures with my fathers camera in my childhood. First with a Voigtländer, later with Leica M5 and worked out pictures in the darkroom.My first digital camera was a Panasonic, now I take pictures with Sony Cyper-shot and Nicon Coolpix P 900. I like to travel – since the last 10 years in Europe, to China, Nepal, Senegal and in 2016 to Cuba and South Corea.In Austria I organized more than 30 photo exhibitions in Feldkirch, Hohenems, Rankweil and Lochau. My own photos I showed in exhibitions in Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Austria.From 2006 to 2015 I was president oft he Austrian photographic association „VÖAV“. Since 2008 I am treasurer of worldwide FIAP. My distinctions are: MFIAP and HonEFIAP.

Bus Trip to Warsaw
