Freddy Van Gilbergen
Belgium Freddy Van Gilbergen MFIAP作者

People of Cuba

I am a photographer for over thirty years, starting in a local photo club at Leuven my birth town. After a few years I was ask from the Belgium Government to create a group (little federation) of photo clubs in the region of Leuven. I create the “Vlaams Brabantse Fotokringen” a group of 30 local photo clubs, until 2012 I was a member of the board of directors  of this little federation.  

In the year 1995 I was nominated as Contest Chairman for the Belgium Federation and I manage almost every photo contest in the Belgium Federation until now. Because of the increasing work for FIAP some parts of my job are done by other members of the Belgium Federation. I am also a member of the board of directors of the Flemish and Belgium Federation. These two organizations need my experience and advice. 

In 2005 I became Director of the Distinctions Service of FIAP and I was nominated in 2010 for the board of directors of FIAP in Hanoi (Vietnam). In 2014 I was elected Vice-President of FIAP in Ankarra (Turkey). 

Travel Photography is my passion and I start to participate in the international salons in the year 2006. I received more than 50 awards and more than 1000 acceptances all over the world. The AFIAP distinction in 2009, the EFIAP distinction in 2010 and the EFIAP/bronze in 2015. Even I have little time left for my photography I still participate in the international competitions all over the world. 

For my work in FIAP I received the HonEFIAP distinction in 2010 from Mr. Emile Wanderscheid at Hanoi (Vietnam) during the FIAP Congress. 

I am also a member of PSA and I am holder of the EPSA distinction. I received the first galaxy  in PID-C and I am also holder of 5 stars in Photo travel. In Nature  and PID-M I have 3 stars and finally in Photo Journalism 2 stars.  

Frequently I am ask to take part of the jury in important photographic salons in the world and sometimes I give workshops about FIAP.  

It is a pleasure to meet other people in different countries and to see beautiful photographic works from other people all over the world.FIAP is a big family for me, FIAP is in my heart.            

Freddy Van GilbergenVice-President FIAP.

People of Cuba
