Judy Boyle
Ireland Judy Boyle MFIAP作者

Peoples of the Maramures

1. Started photography 40 years ago with film camera. Did my own developing and printing.

2. In 2004 got my Licentiate distinction with Irish Photographic Federation. 

3. In 2005 got my Associateship distinction with Irish Photographic Federation AIPF 

4. In 2005 got my Associateship distinctoon with Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. ARPS 

5. In 2006.got thr Fellowship distinction with the Irish Photographic Federation. FIPF 

6. In 2006 got the Fellowship distinction with the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. FRPS 

7. In 2008 having started to enter FIAP salons got my AFIAP. 

8. In 2015 got my EFIAP. 

9  In 2018 having got my EFIAP/b , then EFIAP/s I managed to get my EFIAP/ g. 

10. I am currently on the distinction's panel of the Irish Photographic Federation, assessing distinctions at all levels and have been on the panel for the last 10 years.
