
Dia sotto le stelle - 12th and 13th October 2018

主办国: Italy
年份: 2018

“Dia Sotto le Stelle 2018” - Busto Arsizio - Italy

The 27th edition of Dia Sotto Le Stelle, The International Festival of Photography and Multivision, took place on the 12th and 13th October in Busto Arsizio, at Malpensa Fiere Exhibition Center. The Festival is deeply based on the passion for photography and is internationally recommended and honored by the FIAP Auspices (Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique). 

Many international authors joined the Festival also this year: Mario Galligani, one of the most important Italian photoreporter, Enrico Sacchetti presented his scientific exhibition, Kirill Neizhmakov had a standing ovation with his time-lapse multivisions, just to mention a few of them. Then other 20 authors presented their works to the festival during the 2-days kermesse.  

The main core of the Festival is not only represented by guest stars, but also by young talented photographers.  The passion for photography and multi vision, moved by deep emotions and a passion for arts, is shared with professionals and amateurs, all together to get the final feeling of deep love for photography. This success of Dia Sotto le Stelle is well represented by more than 6.000 people joining the exhibition during the weekend. 

In fact, the international soul of the festival is near also to the local Italian realities of the surroundings, in order to support local photoclubs in presenting their programs for the new year for people who want to approach photography and live a common passion together. In fact the festival hosts 17 local photoclubs with their stands and exhibitions. 

The festival opens on Friday night when you can see the permanent exhibitions and watch the multi visions during the night, starting from 9:30 pm. On Saturday the Festival opens at 3:30 pm and then it’s possible to test the new cameras and lenses of the technical sponsors, join the shooting area and attend the technical workshops in the afternoon and watch the second round of multi visions at night. 

Most important, the Festival is completely free for the audience, as we believe that culture and passion for photography must be accessible to everyone. Without passion there can’t be the fire of life and the light of arts.

Dott.sa Sarah Leoni
Andreella Photo
