
​Islamic Countries Photographers Meeting 20th - 26th September 2016

主办国: Turkey
年份: 2016

Everyyear, the Islamic Countries Organization (ICO) is determined a city from themember countries as a "City of Tourism". Konya, one of the biggestcities of Turkey is selected as City of Tourism in 2016.

Oneof the activities organized by Konya Culture & Tourism Directorate andTourism after the election of Konya as the tourism capital is "IslamicCountries Photographers Meeting".

Photographersfrom 30 different countries are invited to the organization. (Burkina Faso,Nigeria, Togo, Uganda, Benin, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oman, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE, Saudi Arabia,Pakistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Iran, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Bangladesh, Thailand,Kuwait, Austria (FIAP Representative), Senegal, Turkmenistan, Turkey) wereinvited photographers.

IslamicCountries Photographers meeting organization is also supported by “TheInternational Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), Herbert Geminer was invitedas FIAP representative in the organization.

Photographyexhibition of participants is opened at six different points of the city.Mevlâna Culture Center, Akşehir Culture Center, Shopping Malls and Sille SanatSarayı were full with images of photographers from their own countries. 

Duringone week in Konya, photographers from different religions and races gatheredfor the first time to have a friendly time. The event, which greatlycontributed to the art of photography and the promotion of Konya, was completedwith enthusiasm.
