
MPS Launched Two Major Photography Events Concurrently at Yangon Gallery

主办国: Myanmar
年份: 2019

The 6th All Myanmar  Photography Festival, and the 1st Myanmar International Salon of Photography, were staged at Yangon Gallery, 22-24 March 2019. Both events were organised by the Myanmar Photographic Society.

FIAP Board Member and Director of Promotion & Partnership Mr David Tay was invited as a guest of honor to join the Chief Minister of Yangon Region, Mr Phyo Min Thein at the opening of this significant photographic event. 

David Tay also officiated at the awards presentation ceremony of the international salon, the first-ever international photography event organised by Myanmar Photographic Society, and endorsed by FIAP. It received a total of 4000 entries from 45 countries.

MPS Launched Two Major Photography Events Concurrently at Yangon Gallery相册
