FIAP 俱乐部世界杯
Italy Michele Macinai World Cup for Clubs


Chemin des brumes, Guy Gilson, Belgium

The World Photographic Cup are one of a kind international team competition created in 2001, celebrating photography in a way never dreamed of before. Sure, there are lots of other competitions but there is just one FIAP Club's World Cup.

18th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2023

We invite all photo clubs of the world to participate in the 18th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2023, to represent at best all the countries of the world in this great photographic competition. Please visit:   

18ème Coupe du Monde FIAP des Clubs 2023 

Nous invitons tous les clubs photo du monde à participer à la 18ème  Coupe du Monde  FIAP des Clubs 2023, pour représenter au mieux tous les pays du monde dans ce grand concours photographique.  
Veuillez visiter:

For the next 18th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2023 click here - upload start: 04 October 2023

17th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2022

Winner club: Rolls Royce (Derby) Photographic Society -United Kingdom 年份: 2022

16th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2021

Winner club: G.F. Il Cupolone EFI- CAFIAP -Italy 年份: 2021

15th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2020

Winner club: Eurasia, Russian Federation 年份: 2020

14th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2019

Winner club: The Photographic Society of Taipei 年份: 2019

13th FIAP World Cup for club 2018

Winner club: Photoclub BGART, Bulgaria 年份: 2018

12th FIAP World cup for club 2017

Winner club: Catchlight Camera Club, Ireland 年份: 2017

11th FIAP World Cup for club 2016

Winner club: Smethwick photographic society, Great Britain 年份: 2016