FIAP 俱乐部世界杯

16th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2021

主办国: Italy
年份: 2021
Kingfisher Fishing in the Rain, Paul Screen, United Kingdom

16th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2021

16th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2021 获胜者
Winner club: G.F. Il Cupolone EFI- CAFIAP -Italy
Mrs. Ann BASTION, MFIAP, EFIAP - FIAP Liaison Officer New Zealand; Mr. Petteri MUSSALO, EFIAP - FIAP Liaison Officer Finland; Mr. Barun SINHA, MFIAP, ESFIAP, EFIAP/s - FIAP Liaison Officer India
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Author name Club name Country Title
FIAP gold medal - individual award Paul Screen Beeston Camera Club United Kingdom Kingfisher Fishing in the Rain
FIAP silver medal - individual award Sangeeta Goswami Photography Club of Assam India Feelings
FIAP silver medal - individual award Michael Strapec Blarney Photography Club Ireland Me and my sister
FIAP bronze medal - individual award Katjusa Karlovini DIGITALNI FOTO KLUB Slovenia Sister and me
FIAP bronze medal - individual award Ahmed Mohamed Hassan Pharaohs International photographic Club Egypt Blue Fingers
FIAP bronze medal - individual award Lynne Morris WIGAN 10 FOTO CLUB United Kingdom Catfish
Honourable mention 1 - individual award Helen Jones Dorchester Camera Club United Kingdom Life in Technicolor
Honourable mention 2 - individual award Warren Alani Smethwick Photographic Society United Kingdom On Your Bike
Honourable mention 3 - individual award Tony Gill Dorchester Camera Club United Kingdom The Wood Beyond The World
Honourable mention 4 - individual award Paquito Herrera Clube do Fotógrafo de Caxias do Sul Brazil Escape